4| Closeness Affect

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C L O S E N E S S    A F F E C T

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C L O S E N E S S    A F F E C T

He ran to his room ordering his mens to bring the doctor. Manik placed her on bed, her body was still cold and she was shivering like anything.
Daisy gave him the blankets to cover her. Manik quickly covered her, he turned off the AC and ordered Daisy to turn on the heater. He sat beside her rubbing her hands to provide warmth.

Manik never knew that she would be so stubborn to cost her life.

"How the fuck are you are you so stubborn? Any sane person will come out if they are freezing to death, dammit. What the hell are you?" Manik said to himself.

He was worried for the first time. He felt wrong, he felt taht it's his fault but how could he know that she is stubborn as hell.

Whereas Daisy was suprised and somewhere happy. She's a fifty-five year old woman, and since past twenty years she's working in this villa. She saw Manik growing up, and she never saw worry and care for anyone until now.

Soon Cabir arrived with the doctor. He saw Nanidni lying like a lifeless body. She don't deserve this cruelty. The doctor was checking her when Cabir dragged Manik out.

"Are you happy now? Is your ego satisfied now? I told you she will not be able to handle but you have to take every damn thing in your ego. Her every retorment, every anger towards you was right. You fucking kidnapped her why the fuck do you think she'll let you touch her?" Cabir bursted out holding his collar.

Manik was shocked would be an understatement. Cabir was never a man of anger, and with Manik he has always been patience as he has anger issues but today he showed his anger which somewhere made Manik feel uneasy about his and Nandini's relationship.

"Why are you caring so much?" This was the only thing he could say.

"What? She's like my sister. I accept that I barely spend an hour with her but I felt her innocence, her struggle and that is why I care. And believe me Manik if something happens to my sister I swear I won't think twice before killing you. I won't fucking care that you're the boss of the mafia" Cabir threatened and went inside.

Manik wasn't angry with Cabir's behaviour. He himself don't know why but he knows that Cabir is right amd his worry for his sister is also right. He too went inside and asked the doctor.

"How is she?"

"Mr. Malhotra, her body temperature is too low. Her senses have stopped working due to the lack of warmth they need. I have given medicines, if she come back to her conscious within ine or two days than its better or we have to admit her in hospital" The doctor said and went.

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