49| Pink Frilly Frocks

459 87 44

P I N K   F R I L L Y   F R O C K

Manik wasn't the same man he was a few years ago, he has changed, in short, and he has developed in the long term. What didn't change, though, is his fearful persona as the mafia. Even after marrying Nandini, his dark aura never disappeared. It was perhaps a generational power ingrained in him.

But, then again, just because he is a fearful man for the mafia doesn't mean he have to be for his family. He have to be tender and caring for him family, also loose the glare—Nandini's words. And one thing about Manik Malhotra he would never ignore his wife's words especially if it's for his baby girl.

So here he was patting his little girl's back to stop her from crying while his mother has stepped out for some fresh air. Nandini was tired, physically and mentally therefore being the good husband Manik is, offered to look after Nandini for a while—that much time is only what Nandini allowed—but right now his little girl is crying her lungs out and he is descending to madness. He can't figure out what is causing her discomfort for her crying. She isn't hungry, for she just drank milk, not sleepy either and Manik must not know much about babies but he's sure those are the only two things babies do.

Mandini kept on crying, much to her father's misery. Finally, giving up he decided to let her mother handle her since his little girl doesn't seem to like him very much. Will it be like this forever? Mandini wouldn't like him ever? He wouldn't get to hold his little girl? A bit of a panic and sadness spread inside his heart at the thoughts.

As he walked into the garden where Nandini was relaxing ok the porch swing, his steps hesitated a little to approach her due to her already tired state but on the other hand, his little girl is screaming her lungs out. He will make it upto Nandini with a good trip to Paris this month.

"Rose" His soft voice carried along the wind making Nandini open her eyes and a smile, barely present, graced on her lips.

Nandini can see her baby crying and thrashing almost too strongly. If she wasn't bothered by Mandini's crying she would have had a good laugh at Manik's panicked and helpless state. As his strong arms shifted the small baby into her embrace, she smiled and gave little swing of her arms to sooth down the crying.

"Is she hungry?" Manik voiced his question with eyes still trained on the tiny human. "No, she just ate, didn't she?" Nandini shook her head.

It could be her imagination but did her husband just shrunk in himself in wallow? "Everything alright Manik?" He nodded begrudgingly.

She raised a eyebrow, Nandini opened her mouth to press the question a bit more before she halted looking at the baby. "She pooped?"

"Huh?" Manik looked at his wife confused. "She pooped Manik. That's why she's crying. You didn't changed her?"

Manik had three seconds to register her words before his mind caught upto them. "Oh—oh that's why she's crying?" A relieved smiled stretched onto his lips. "You're happy...your daughter's crying?" Nandini frowned.

He shook his head "No no. Of course I'm not. Give her, I will change her." Nandini nodded unsure yet she handed Mandini to him.

"You rest for a bit. I will look after my little girl." He practically chirped if not exclaimed to which Nandini was even more confused that she before was. Nonetheless she nodded and let her husband delve into whatever chaos he has been upto.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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