33| Pieces Of Truth

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A/N :I have made some changes in the summary of this story. so please read it and tell me how it is.

Those who don't know what a summary is then it's the introduction of the story that you read when you clicked on any story. Just click on the three dots which indicated the chapter and click on my story's poster you'll be able to see the introduction.

P I E C E S   O F   T R U T H

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P I E C E S   O F   T R U T H

Nandini headed to the washroom stumbling on her way. Before entering she looked at Manik who had a proud look.

"Wanna join me?" She gave a seductive smile.

His smirk was replaced by a serious expression which was dripping in lust. In a blink he got up and qued to the washroom.

Nandini went in and made the bathtub ready with foam. Her attention diverted towards Manik who just entered and eyeing her as if she's the meal and he's hungry for decades.

She slipped the duvet from her body and stepped into the bathtub seductively.

"Wish you don't regret" He whispered but loud enough for her to hear.

"Don't give me a chance to regret" She whispered back.

He gave a dirty smirk and slipped inside the bathtub. Nandini who was sitting opposite him turned her back to his chest leaning onto him completely.

Manik traced his hand all over her body slowly. He gathered all her hairs at one side of her shoulder nuzzling into her neck.

She twisted her hand and caressed his cheeks while breathing heavily. Fire live in his touch which burns every cell in her body.

She looked at him claiming his lips with hers. His one hand went behind her neck caressing whereas his other hand was on her bossom tracing them im ever slow manner.

She sucked his lips in the longest way possible, whereas Manik tend to smooch her lips with his tongue. Slipping in his mouth Nandini devoured the spicy taste. His hands travelled down to her thighs grabbing her milky soft skin in his large hands.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" Manik asked in a raspy voice.

"If I say yes you'll tease me" She whined.

Manik chuckled softly and placed a feather kiss on her cheek.

"I tease you because then you blush and when you blush your these chubby cheeks turn red which I love the most" He pulled her cheeks softly.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now