17| Who's The Real Manik?

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W H O' S   T H E   R E A L   M A N I K? Manik a raised his hands in surrender again and started walking according to her instructions

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W H O' S   T H E   R E A L   M A N I K?
Manik a raised his hands in surrender again and started walking according to her instructions.

"Now take a left" Nandini ordered.

Manik obliged and took a left finding himself in front of his room.

"Open the door" Nandini ordered again.

Manik did so and they both entered their room.

Nandini sat on the bed at a safe distance from Manik and stared him making Manik confuse.

"What?" Manik asked.

"Shhh....did I asked you to speak?" Nandini replied faking sterness.

Manik rolled his eyes and kept his mouth shut.

"You Manik Malhotra" She pointed her index finger at him "Doesn't love me" Pointed her finger at herself.

Manik was shocked. Love? Where this came from?

"What are you saying?" Manik asked.

"Yes, you don't love me or you wouldn't have go to that Soha. You are Soooo baaaad" Nandini whined.

Oh, for once he really thought that maybe she loves him. Huh, only a thought.

"Rose, please give me that gun" Manik requested softly.

Nandini looked at him and gestured him to come to her. Manik obliged and stood in front of him.

"Remove my heels" Nandini commanded.

Manik raised a eyebrow amusingly. Is she really ordering him to remove her heels? Not that he mind but isn't she treating him like her slave?

"And....what if I don't?" Manik asked smirking.

"I'll shoot you. And you will go to Aiyappa" Nandini flew her hands to the sky.

Manik supressed his laugh at her childish behavior.

"Fine,shoot me. You really think a mafia like me will ever fear getting killed?" Manik leaned onto her level.

Nandini looked in his eyes innocently which almost made his heart melt.

Nandini shook her head "No you don't fear. But I fear to lose you. Please don't get killed"

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now