27| Shaadi ke Side Effects

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S H A A D I    K E    S I D E    E F F E C T S

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S H A A D I    K E    S I D E    E F F E C T S

Nandini was about to walk out from the door when Manik's voice reached her ears.

"Rose wait"

Nandini tilted her head to see Manik walking upto her with a jacket.

"Wear this. It's too cold outside" He made her wear the jacket.

Nandini hate to admit but he's so caring. As she said before Manik confuses her, once he's so cold on the other moment he is so loving and caring.

"If you want to stare me come inside, don't stand in this freezing atmosphere" Manik said with a stoic expression.

Nandini averted her eyes realising that she was staring him a bit too long.

"No....I'll go" Nandini said and turned only to stop again.

"Now what?" Nandini groaned.

He turned her and stared her for a minute "Where is the vermilion and nuptial chain?"

Nandini averted her eyes "Manik we talked about this"

Her mumbling was a bit of guiltyful.

"Yes we talked, and the result was if I win you'll wear both" Manik said in a dangerous calm voice.

"Umm.....technically you lost" Nandini corrected.

Manik raised a eyebrow "How? I stayed away from you. I wasn't even in the same room as you last night"


"No, you touched me" Nandini argued.

"Rose I didn't. I wasn't even near you let alone touch you" Manik objected.

Now Nandini was losing her calm. He is not ready to accept his defeat. So in a haste she blurted out.

"Manik this is cheating. You did touched me. Arey touch what! you toh kissed me and also sucked my br-" She kept a hand over her mouth realising what she was saying.

She squeezed shut her eyes in anticipation. This was not meant to be bring up in any conversation but her uncontrollable mouth have to blurt out something embarrassing in front of Manik.

Yesterday whatever happened was really felt good but she can't say it to his face, right!

Nandini opened her eyes slightly to see a smirking Manik proudly. She could feel heat rising up in her cheeks turning them red as tomato.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now