2| Rose have thorns

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R O S E    H A V E   T H O R N S

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R O S E    H A V E   T H O R N S

Soon the car came to halt and two mens dragged her into the house. She kept her eyes as she sensed there are many people around. While coming she peeked a little to see where they were heading to in case she have to run a marathon. Being a journalist she know this city like the back of her palm so she already knew where she is heading.

They made her seat on sofa. Manik, Cabir and Dhruv were alredy present. Though Manik don't tell them but he do consider them as his friends. He's just worst at showing his feelings. He told them everything and they tried to make him understand that it isn't right but he being he won't listen to anyone. The servants were too informed about the new Madam of the villa. everyone who knew about Manik's obsession was feeling bad for the girl. Little does they know that soon they'll feel bad for Manik.

Manik told Cabir to find her details but due to some work it got delayed. Mamik wasn't planning to get her here today itself but his men informed him that today she's going to get marry and his anger reached to at it's peak so he kidnapped her.

His mens told him about how they got her outside of the house and the reason is unknown.

Manik gestured a servant to sprinkle water on her face. Though Nandini was awake but she was litreally relaxing on the soft sofa as she has been very tired due to all this marriage programs shit.

She adjusted to the lights and looked straight at him into the eye. He was suprised that she isn't struggling or yelling.

Lights were on and his expression changed from pleased to angry seeing her in wedding dress. She was dressed up as a bride.

"Am I kidnapped?" She asked with hope.

Manik furrowed his eyebrows and replied "Yes"

Nandini grinned from ear to ear and again asked "No one can find me?"

He nodded. Her smile wasn't leaving her lips. Everyone present in the hall was confused. Usually if someone gets kidnapped atleast they won't be so happy.

"Do you know who I am?" Manik raised a eyebrow.

"Yes. You're Manik Malhotra. The indian Mafia's boss. The most dangerous person alive" Nandini said as a matter-of-fact.

"Manik are you sure she is not mentally unstable" Cabir whispered to Manik.

"Yeah, I think" He replied unsure.

"Haan. Nandini you have been kidnapped by a Mafia on your wedding day can you please elaborate what is there to be so happy?" Cabir said sarcastically.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now