23| Reveal To The World

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R E V E A L   T O   T H E   W O R L D

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R E V E A L   T O   T H E   W O R L D

"Never forget who am I to you" Manik gritted his teeths.

"You're not my husband but forced husband which I got by a forced marriage. Yes Manik Malhotra, this is not a marriage it's a forced relationship that you slumped on me" Nandini snapped.

The left over respect she had for him also vanished after his stunt. She always dreaded that what if he force himself on her but he did worse than that, Manik forced her in a marriage.

Marriage. Something she never thought of. Something she never imagined being a girl. Something she never wanted. But here she is married with the murderer of her best friend and the man she loved.

What an irony!!

Manik hadn't any other option to keep her. Nandini can do anything but never insult traditions. This was the best way he can stop her or atleast that's what he thinks.

Manik closed his eyes to control his rising temper and hold her arms in a death grip "Now, Rose. Listen to me very carefully you're my wife from now onwards and I'm your husband. So obey me or this time I have enough Rights"

Nandini looked at him in disgust. Whereas Manik had to say these things to make Nandini obey him though there are 0% chance he'll force himself in her.

Nandini jerked him and rushed towards upstairs from where Manik brought her down. She hardly ascended the second stairs when Manik picked her in his arms in bridal style making her scowl.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Everytime he pick her like this and take somewhere it always lead to something disastarious in her life. He ascended the stairs and took the opposite turn of her room.

Without uttering a single word Manik walked and pushed open the door of his room with his leg.

Oh....kay?? This isn't what she is thinking, right? Or maybe wrong?

Manik made her sit on the bed and hold her shoulder preventing her from getting up.

"This is our room" Manik said.

"Your not mine" Nandini scowled.

"Well, right. My room and you're my wife so technically it's your too as in ours" Manik snickered.

Nandini rolled her eyes and tried to shove his hands away.

"And one more thing" Manik paused making Nandini look at him.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now