12| The Ruthless

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T H E   R U T H  L E S S

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T H E   R U T H  L E S S

If I say you're stuck with a handsome greek god then what will you feel? Awesome, right? Now add, he is a mafia and you're his obsession and the cherry on the top is he is super control freak, now what?

This is what Nandini is feeling right now. She have to fly to Europe for a project but this man will never let her. She us sitting on the bed crossed legs and staring at Manik for more than a hour. Debating whether she should ask or just sneak out of the country? Manik could feel her gaze but didn't bother to say anything atleast she is looking at him, instead of ignoring him after the last conversation.

But now it's creepy.

"Rose, speak up" Manik ordered without looking up from the file.

Nandini was caught off-guard. How does he know she wants to say something? Is he some kind of mind-reader.

"I'm not some mind-reader. You being silent means something in your head" Manik said out of the blue.

Nandini narrowed her eyes. Is it that easy reading her or he is really a mind-reader? Ok, fuck it for now.

"Actually, Mr. Malhotra-"

"Will you just stop with this Mr. Malhotra. It's annoying me to hell" Manik said annoyed.

"Well, when you'll again look like Manik, I'll stop calling Mr. Malhotra" Nandini shrugged.

Yeah, her new task to make this man look a little lively. Sometimes looking at him she gets the vibes of a dead body walking. No colours in his life, no fun, no music. How does he even survive?

"So where was I? Yeah, ah.......so I want to go to Europe-"

"No" He said in a cold voice.

Nandini breathed out angrily. Why does he keep Intrupting her?

"First listen to me" Nandini muttered.

He just nodded.

"So I was saying that I need to go to Europe because of a project. You can cross check Every thing. I'm. Not. Running. Away. It's just a matter for five days and then I'll be back. So please let me go" Nandini pleaded.

"I would have, if the brain in your pretty little head wasn't too much smart" Manik said nonchalantly.

"Pleaseeeeeee.......Nandini promise I won't run. It's a important project. I've working on it for a long time" Nandini pleaded more.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now