20| Suspicious and Love

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S U S P I C I O U S   A N D   L O V E

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S U S P I C I O U S   A N D   L O V E

Nandini finally entered the staff room and sat on a chair. Luckily everyone is busy outside so she's alone. Past three hours she is working non-stop and somehow she managed to send Pearl for some work but about Manik she didn't do anything or to be precise she can't do anything.

She let a loud sigh throwing her head backward. She released her hairs from the messy bun making it fall behind the chair freely. She removed her shoes too, and relaxed.

Thoughs she liked the peace but it's too quiet for her own ears. So she played some music softly humming with it. With eyes closed and body relaxed and fingertips tapping against her lap was a view to stare.

That what Manik was doing. Stare!! He had came the moments she sat on the chair and watched her relaxing. As weird as it sounds he never saw Nandini relaxing. Either she must be over-excited or working. Her relax posture is very rare.

Manik entered the staff room and locked the door silently. He walked upto her and instinctively, his fingers made their way to her hair brushing it. Nandini opened her eyes surprised, by thw sudden touch. She saw Manik and was about to stand but Manik hold her shoulder keeping her sitted and made her head lay back as before. Nandini didn't objected anything and just let him do whatever he's doing. He stood behind her and started massaging her hair slowly.

The feeling is indescribable. It is relaxing and calming. What more can this man do? Who can wonder the hands which hold guns can do such magic?

"Manik" Nandini called.

"Hmm" Manik responded.

"Don't you have work?" she asked.

"No" came his nonchalant answer.

Nandini frowned witha I small smile "You runs a multi-millionaire company as well as you're the biggest Mafia and you don't have work?"

"Shut up" Manik scolded.

Nandini sighed somewhere knowing the real reason.

"You don't have to be here. I can manage" Nandini exhaled.

"It's my will. Anyway Drruv is handling my company and Cabir is handling the Mafia in my absence" He replied in his usual cold voice.

"Hey!! This is not fair. You build an empire and those too poor soul have to manage everything? I pity them! Bichare kitna kaam karna padta hoga unhe tumhari wajah se" Nandini said dejected.

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