18| The Past

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T H E   P A S T

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T H E   P A S T

"Manik what had happened?" Rose asked.

What Had Happened?

What Had Happened?

The Monster borned that day!!

I turned to the burned photo frame and traced my finger.

"Veerendra Malhotra,Senior Malhotra aka My grandfather. Neyonika Malhotra my mother. Raj Malhotra my father" My voice quivered at their names.

After ages I took these names. But yet I didn't took one name, maybe because I'm not brave enough to pronounce that name.

I felt Rose's hands clutching my palm more tightly. She never leaves me alone, that is why I love her.

"If it's too hard than we can drop this Manik. I don't want you to feel the pain just for my curiosity" Rose said softly.

No, after gathering much courage I've bring myself to say this now I won't back off. If I want her in my life then she should know me. We can't love a stranger.

"Malhotra family was like a royal name since 70's. My grandfather's father started the Malhotra Textiles and my grandfather took it later making it more huge, it went same with my father. We were trated like a royal family not just because we had plenty money but also my family was always beside the needy and weak people. My family would never bear injustice. My father fell in love with my mother in his college time and after two years of their marriage I was born. They named me Manik. Jewel. I was a jewel for them. Malhotra's were known for their strictness, punctuality and perfection. I inherited everything from my grandfather. From skills to looks. My father was a serious man just like my grandfather but at home they both can be the most sweetest person. My mother made them like that. Grandma left us a long time ago before My mother came so she was treated like a queen. Every sunday we would go for a picnic, breakfast, lunch, dinner always together. Saturday night was our movie night and at my every school function when I performed Senior Malhotra would whistle and clap the loudest. Everyday when I used to get angry Mom would cooed me and make me lay on her lap and ruffle my hair. Whenever I got scared or fell dad would say 'You're Manik, if you will not bear pain how will you become a valuable jewel' and I get up. That was my happy and enough world" I smiled at the memories.

Those days I wasn't this cold or dead. I used to smile, not much cheerful but not too silent. I was living my life instead of dragging it.

I continued "Then one day Angat Nair came in our lives. He was a gangster, the most feared don of India at that time. My father was going to introduce a new textile, it was made by poor unemployed people and also handmade. As much as it was going to profit Malhotra textiles it would much profitable for those poor people. After dad's hard work he got the most exclusive land for the factory where they can work. Everything was perfect until Angat Nair entered. He proposed a deal to Dad that either dad give him 70% of the profit from the factory or he would blast the factory. My dad ignored him but atlast Angat Nair blasted the factory. Senior Malhotra and dad again bulid a factory and also filed a police case which dragged his many buisness as we were very powerful. Angat Nair took it personally and he abducted my Mom. We knew who did it, Dad went to police more higher authorities but everyone stood their hands up as Angat Nair has threatened everyone. One week of my Mother's kidnapping we got a video, they were.......they were.......beating my...M-mom brutally........she was......bleeding......badly.......My dad somehow contacted Angat Nair and pleaded him to leave my Mom. He agreed and told that he himself will leave her in her house. We knew he was upto something but at that time Mom was that matters. He came with my Mom almsot dead. I still remember how he was dragging her, and Mom's cries still ring in my mind" I paused as that horrible vision couded my mind.

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