32| Wild Night

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Dedicated to AnitaShaktawat

Dedicated to AnitaShaktawat

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W I L D    N I G H T

W I L D    N I G H T

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Nandini's P. O. V

He fused his lips with mine. I didn't thought much and responded to his kiss. Sucking and smooching the kiss went from passionate to wild, there I knew that my plan is gonna work the way I had planned.

I cupped his face while tangling my tongue with his whereas Manik's one hand was gripping my waist firmly and the other hand was at the back of my head keeping my head in an angle.
I was few inch away from the wall between the kiss so that he wasn't trapping me anymore but looks like it doesn't settle good with Manik as he pushed me again pinned both my hand above my head which were cupping his face.

Nibbling my lowet lip he again tasted each and every corner of my mouth. The butterflies which were erupting in my stomach was not so new yet much foreign to me, I git goosebumps all over my skin when his sensuous tongue rolled over my lip only to get a hard bite on my lower lip.

I hissed in response and sucked his lips. I wanted to rake my hand through his soft and smooth hairs or caress his hard rock like and drool-worthy body but he kept me caged.

I can't express the desperation to participate in the kiss more, I want him to do more to me. His other hand which was on my waist went to one of my breast squeezing them harshly.

To be honest I have pretty big size of breast still he can cover them in his hand effortlessly like his hand is that huge. We were still kissing, the supply of oxygeb was reducing for both of us but we tend to taste each other than breathing.

I moan within the kiss when he pressed and pinched my bossoms hard, he was playing with it like they were a rubber ball. Slowly our or at least my lungs were begging for air to survive but I was too stubborn to let this man go even for a second, not atleast this easily

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