7| Monster Found Rose

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M O N S T E R   F O U N D   R O S E

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M O N S T E R   F O U N D   R O S E

Nandini was stuck between her freedom and people's lives. She maybe not so innocent but she isn't heartless to let others die just because of her.

But Nandini isn't someone to give up like this.

"Why do you want me to go with you?" Nandini asked looking straight in his eyes.

Manik smirked "Because you are mine"

Nandini rolled her eyes at his monotic answer.

"Listen Mr. Malhotra, you're just wasting your time. I'm just your obsession which will fade away with time and about me....then please let me live my life peacefully. I already had fought much and after like million of hurdles I've able to move on so please. I request you just let me live and forget me. Please I plead to you leave me alone" Nandini pleaded.

Manik was staring at her with a unknown emotion. Nandini was waiting for a reaction but it never came.

"Why did you call me Mr. Malhotra?" Manik asked sternly.

Nandini looked at him as if he has grown two heads.

"I told you an entire fucking speech and the only thing that gotten in your head is that I called Mr. Malhotra?like seriously?" Nandini said in disbelief.

Manik caressed her hair which she tried to jerk.

"So all in one you want to live, right?" Manik raised an eyebrow.

Nandini nodded.

"Then you can live with me too. I won't stop you from doing anything, you can do your job, enjoy your freedom and most importantly you can have many facilities" Manik offered.

Nandini got up from his lap not caring about the consequences.

"Mr. Malhotra, by living I mean to say that I want to live my life according to me. I will decide with whom I want to live and by freedom I mean to say that I don't want a freaking mafia trying to claim as his" Nandini blurted out.

Manik smirked and got up "You know, Rose. This.... Your this courage attract me so much. You don't care with whom you're talking and how you're talking and this can also land you in problems. For example every single paerson in this building could be dead"

The horror striked her but she didn't let it come on her face.

"What is problem dammit? Why do you want me? There are like numerous women out waiting for you but you have decided to stick with me. What is so special about me? There are women more beautiful, more rich and most importantly tamed by you" Nandini said in a single breath.

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