21| Love Turned Into Hate

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L O V E   T U R N E D   I N T O   H A T E

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L O V E   T U R N E D   I N T O   H A T E

L O V E   T U R N E D   I N T O   H A T E

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(Malhotra Villa)

Manik opened his eyes and felt something or someone hugging him tightly. He looked down and found Nandini hugging him in sleep. Her hands were wrapped around his hips while her body was glued to his.

Surprised enough, Manik smiled and hugged her back taking her all in him. He still can't process the sudden change in Nandini's behavior but whatever it is, if it bring her close to him, Manik won't mind.

He softly caressed her hair while playing with it. Very softly, he placed a feather kiss on her cheek to which Nandini snuggled more. Soft. This word was far away from Manik but with Nandini this too existed. His soft side, smile and loving nature only reserved for Nandini.

Nandini lazily opened her eyes adjusting to the bright light of the sun peeking through the curtains. A smile took over her lips when she saw the love of her life smiling towards her.

"Goooood Morninggggg" Nandini yawned and subconsciously pecked Manik on lips.

Manik frozed. Did she just gave him a good morning kiss? Or is he dreaming?

Nandini realised what she did and her eyes widen. Shit! Way to go! It's not like she doesn't want Manik to know her feelings but she planned it special and her this little act can make him suspicious.


She was cut off by Manik's lips slammed on hers. Manik sucked her lips in the most possible long way gripping her waist and scooted her closer to him. Nandini in no time responded, with smooching his upper lip and pecked. After exploring her mouth every bit he gave a soft yet hard bite on her lips making her moan.
Her hands fisted his hair earning a groan from Manik. Nandini broke the kiss to gasp some air whereas Manik attacked the depth of her neck making Nandini arch her back in pleasure. He took her chubby milky white skin between his teeths nibbling it and
pulled her tank top down revealing her cleavage more than enough. Nandini hissed at the torture and dig her nails in his back. He trailed quick kisses from her neck to cleavage violently making his body grind against her her. She fisted his shirt tearing the buttons at the sensation.

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