37| Who Is Nandita?

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W H O   I S   N A N D I T A?

Nandini ran to the room when she heard something breaking

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Nandini ran to the room when she heard something breaking. Entering a gasp escaped her lips.

"Manik" She shouted and ran to him.

Her voice took his attention and he immediately got alerted when he saw her moving towards him where the glass pieces are fallen.

"Rose, careful" He pushed her back with himself.

"There were glass pieces dammit! Can't you see!" He growled.

"And your hand is bleeding. Can't you see!" She too growled.

Manik closed his eyes to calm down. He sighed and cupped her face.

"Rose, I don't care about myself. For me everything is you. My life, my happiness, my smiles, my tears, my pain, my world. Everything is you. So if anything happens to you.......I don't know......I can't be alive" He breathed out.

Nandini looked in his eyes with all the love she have and cupped his face too "This goes to you too Manik. Maybe I'm not that mad for you, but Manik you're too everything I've got. If you can't see me in pain then even I can't see you pain.......you take care of me then let me too take care of you. You're my family Manik.......family. something which I never got....I don't want to lose you"

"You're not losing me. Neither I'm letting you go. You're stuck with me humesha" He kissed her forhead.

"Humesha" She mumbled with eyes closed.

"Bye" Nandini kissed Manik's cheeks and was about to get down the car

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"Bye" Nandini kissed Manik's cheeks and was about to get down the car.

"Hey, what was that?" He stopped her.
"Umm.....goodbye kiss. As you always take" She shrugged.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now