16| Drunk

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Chucking the thought aside Nandini tried to pull away but couldn't as Manik is gripping her waist.

"Manik" Nandini called.

"Hmm" Manik hummed staring her intensely.

"Leave me" Nandini averted her eyes.

Instead of leaving he yanked her to closer making Nandini's hand flew up to his back. Just when her hands touched his back, Manik winced slightly.

Nandini scrunched her eyebrows. Why is he wincing? Wait!! Did he got hurt during that firing? Fuck!!!

"What happened?" Nandini asked concernly.

"I don't know. It's burning" Manik pressed his lips to sibside the stinging pain.

How did hw got hurt? He was fine just now.

"Turn around" Nandini commanded.

Manik obliged and turned around. Nandini lookef at his back----bare back----bare and her eyes widen. She gulped silently, and looked at the scratches which is slightly bleeding all thanks to Nandini.
She tried to remember when did she scratched him that too so violently. Then suddenly it dawned, the kiss. While kissing she scratched him, what is she a wild cat? Nandini couldn't believe she did this. Not one, teo or three scratch but like nine to ten red scratches.

"Rose, what is it?" Manik asked.

"H-huh? Wo-woh....scratch" Nandini answered.

"Scratch?" Manik asked perplexed.

Even after few seconds when Nandini didn't replied. Manik walked upto the mirror and tried to look at it but failed.

"Rose, what's there?" Manik questioned.

"No-nothing. Just a small scratch. Maybe betwen all that shooting it happened" Nandini gave a nervous smile.

How can she tell him that she scratched him like a wild cat? He would probably be angry on her for doing this. I mean at the end of the line Manik is a mafia and his ego is bigger than anything so obviously he'll burst out on her. And moreover it's quiet embarrassing, that how much she was enjoying the kiss.

Manik narrowed his eyes at Nandini and too his mobile from the dressing table. He handed the phone to Nandini making her confuse.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now