22| Sadly Married

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S A D L Y   M A R R I E D

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"Vivah Sampanna Hua. Aaj se aap dono Pati Patni hai"

Four Hours Before

"We found her boss. She's in the landvill hotel" One of Manik's man informed.

"Get her" Manik hunged up with fury clear in his eyes.

"Too naive to go tot a hotel and think I won't find you. You managed to escape me once but not this time Rose. Not this time. You're coming back to me anyway" Manik gritted his teeths.

After Nandini ran Manik ordered his mens to track her location by the chip. Less than an hour they tracked her.

Manik waited in his hideout for his rose. Within twenty minutes the guards opened the door with a unconscious Nandini in their arms. Manik frowned at the sight.
Why is she unconscious?

Manik hastily took her in his arms and made her sit on his lap while sitting on the main leather chair. He tapped her cheeks to wake her up but she didn't wven stirred a little. His eyes fell on the cut on her forhead. Manik's eyes turned dark.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?" Manik growled making everyone flinched at his voice.

"Si-sir...she was tackling all of us. We-We tried to p-put chloroform bu-but....sh-she managed to defe-defeat us...so-so we had to h-hit her with a ro-rod b-"

The man was cut off by a bullet piercing straight in his forhead. The person who harm his Rose doesn't have any right to live.

"NEVER. TOUCH. MY. ROSE" Manik barked.

Everyone gulped down on his voice. He surely love her like crazy.

"FUCK OFF" He again barked.

In a split second everyone was out of the hideout. Nandini was still unconscious in his arms. Manik checked the cut, it wasn't deep but it would have pained her. She was still in that Rose outfit.

Now that she is in his arms, she looks so peaceful without any worry.

"Why did you ran away Rose? Do you have any idea how much scared I got when you weren't with me? Never do that again. Never. What will I do without you? Huh? I know you're angry for killing your best friend but trust me it was needed. It's just that you saw and took it wrong" Manik sighed.

After few moments Nandini eyes was fluttering. A shooting pain striked her forhead, she touched it only to flinch again as a cut burned. She lazily opened her eyes and examined the surrounding.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now