34| Who Was He?

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W H O    W A S    H E?

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W H O    W A S    H E?

Nandini's P. O. V

My head feels so heavy so do my eylids. Last I remember that I was in my room and I heard some gun shots but before I could do anything I was hit with something hard and I fell unconscious. All this is enough for me to understand that I'm in deep trouble.

I was awake but I kept my eyes closed and acted as if I'm unconscious. I could feel my hands and legs tied up.

There were three voices I could hear.

"Boss, what do you think we should do to her?" A manly and grumpy voice asked.

"Just what we planned" Another husky voice said smugly.

This voice. This voice is familiar. I don't know why but it feels so familiar.

"Ummm......boss I don't think that's a good idea. She is Manik Malhotra's wife and his obsession too. It's too dangerous" Another voice said a bit nervously.

This time it was more of younger voice. Who are they and what are they talking about doing with me?

"Shut up! Rajat. You don't have idea how long I've waited for her and see my destiny. The girl I've always wanted is the same girl who is the biggest and only weakness of my enemy" That familiar voice growled.

"So when are you planning to fuck her? And will you give her back like that only or you'll torture her?" The first voice asked.

What. The. Hell? Fuck me? My husband will kill them by his bare hands and before I'll send them to hell.

"She isn't to torture, Kushal. She is to love, to admire, to fuck" The familiar voice replied.

The audacity of this man!

"For now let her be here. Anyway she is unconscious and make tight security around her. She is too smart for good" The familiar voice ordered and I heard footsteps fading away.

"Does boss know her?" The third man who I guess is Rajat asked.

"I guess so but look at her. She's so sexy, how would it feel to have her under me? Once boss will be satisfied with her I'll satisfy myself with her" The man maybe.....Kushal said.

Yeah? Just let me get free then I'll satisfy myself by ripping your heads off.

"Man, I'm telling you she is not someone to play. One she is Manik Malhotra's wife. He would kill us in a blink of he even find out what we had been thinking about his wife" Rajat spoke with a tint of fear.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now