5| A real face-off

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A   R E A L   F A C E O F F

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A   R E A L   F A C E O F F

Manik's grip got tightened and he twisted her hand behind her back bringing her close to him. His eyes held anger, as if something pissed him off.

Nandini looked at him with confusion. She didn't flinched but the anger that his eyes is showing is really freaking her out.

"What?" She asked calmly.

"Why the fuck do you think you're a nobody?" He growled making Nandini jump.

"Listen to me and listen clear. You're everything. You're my Rose. You. Are. Mine" Manik said with finality.

Oh.... Kay. Now his obsession is scaring her. It's an alarm that she need to leave this place soon. She nodded not to make him more angry.

Manik took a deep breath and composed himself.
He cupped her face and said with a stern face "Rose, why do you get on my nerves. When I say that I'm not a patience man you should take it seriously"

Nandini didn't know what to reply. What can she reply to it so she just kept quiet.

"It's late Rose. You should sleep" Manik said.

Not for once his voice came soft. He doesn't have care in his voice then why does she matter to him so much.

Nandini went to the room and sat on the balcony railing. She didn't sat on the chair she sat on the railing from where she can fall and end up her life. But she love to sit like this.

Her mind was swirling with thoughts. Can she really escape? Is his warning are really that dangerous? Should she run soon? But he never did something cruel leaving that freezer one.

Ughhhh...... Her mind is a havoc. She tried to relax and remember each and every moment from the time she came her. She closed her eyes and played every moment and always his eyes held only one thing........ Obsession. Crazy Obsession.

It was no less than a signal that she should leave this place as soon as possible. She's here for maybe four or five days so technically it must be Sunday. Great. Now she know what to do.

Disturbing her thought a loud roar echoed in the room.


Nandini turned back to see Manik's jaw clenched as if he's trying to comtrol his anger.

"What the hell are you doing there. Get down this instant" Manik ordered.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now