8| Plan to show love

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P L A N   T O   S H O W   L O V E

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P L A N   T O   S H O W   L O V E

What does it feel to rot in hell? Ask Nandini. Well, it sucks.

It's been one month since she moved in his villa or let's say kidnapped in his villa. In this one month means four weeks she have ran five times. And every time she almost succeded. Once she got caught, because she fainted, two times she fell in a lake and two times she almost left the country but don't know how he got her in time but these two times are really strange. Because only Navya and Aryaman knew about her escape how come Manik came to know?

Well, past one month Nandini have tried many escapes and failed sometimes because of her clumsiness or sometimes miracles. She is hell bored in this villa. It's huge but dull, empty and just a building not home. The only entertainment for her is the crazy acts she do and Manik's torture. Yes, he gives punishment to her in her every escape and being stubborn head she doesn't give a fuck.

Whereas, Manik is going mad with Nandini's daily acts. On way or the other she'll definitely irrirate her which anger him more but which make him irrirate the most is she doesn't get scared by his anger and her stubbornness is getting on his nerves.

Everytime she escape, his breath hitched and when he come to know the ways of escaping he have a mini-heart attack.

Who the hell run from the kitchen? One thing is clear to Manik that she is super crazy and won't give up.

Mukti and Alya have met Nandini and they are very good friends. Mukti has become Nandini's fan because of her weird ways of problems with and her sarcasm.

Cabir and Dhruv have sensesd the irritation in Manik due to Nandini's acts which make them laugh like hell and Manik's glare falied to shut them up.

Manik rubbed his face trying to remove the stress that is stuck in his head due to the latest deals. He came to his room and his eyes searched for Nandini. She's not there. Manik groaned in irritation thinking that she again ran.

He's really not in a mood to play tom and Jerry.

"Rose" Manik growled.


Daisy ran to his room and replied "Sir, Nandini is in rhe study"

Manik huffed in annoyance. She must  planning to run again. He stormed towards his study and for a moment he stopped breathing.

There was Nandini sitting on the big window in his study with a book in her hand. She was wearing a white crop top and long pink skirt. The book was resting on her knees. The skirt flowed like a beautiful waterfall.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now