41| Misunderstanding

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Nandini's eyes fluttered open gradually, adapting to the rays of sunlight

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Nandini's eyes fluttered open gradually, adapting to the rays of sunlight. Once her eyelids opened entirely, she scanned the surrounding trying to get any hints of where she is because it looks anything but their bedroom.

Balancing herself on her hands she tried to get up but dropped back as a shooting pain ran on her head.

"Ughh" She clutched her forehead and groaned.

After Nandini felt herself relaxed her eyes observed the room. It was white, mainly with a table and bed where medicines and an IV—wait a minute! Is she in the freaking hospital? As she looked down her eyes fell on the clothes she's wearing, a damn hospital gown.

Shaking her head she lifts her leg to get down but instantly stumbled her body was too weak to even move. Her limbs and legs are feeling burdened with rock whereas someone is hammering her head.

A pair of strong manly hands circles around her back and shoulder supporting her to sit back. A smile broke on her lips, as those hands touched her skin. Who can it be rather than one man?

"Thank God! You came. Why the hell I'm in a hos—" Nandini's words stopped in midway as she realized who the person is.

She immediately jerked back pushing him away. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, the air was sucked out of her lungs seeing the face years after. It all felt like a bucket of ice thrown over her, not even water but ice. The flashbacks rolled like a film in her mind blocking out every thought and sanity.

"You" A low whisper escaped out of her lips.

The moment was stilled, the only audible sound was their breathing. His eyes stuck on her just the way it was stuck on her for the first time. She is still the same beautiful as he saw her for the first time, if possible more beautiful. She was a teenager when his eyes fell on her, she was an enthusiastic stubborn woman who had a very pure heart. And today to nothing changed. Nothing at all.

He was dying to see her for so long it felt like an eternity or maybe it is for him. The big doe-shaped eyes still held an amount of innocence in them but the face has somewhere has lost its shine. Does he wonder if he is the reason or Manik?

"Baby" He breathed out.

The word itself stirs so many emotions and memories. Some sweet and some bitter.

Regaining her senses Nandini tried to stand up but again stumbled and like before he again held her.

Feeling his touch Nandini shoved him away with all the strength she had in her. 

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now