9| A night to remember

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A   N I G H T   T O   R E M E M B E R

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A   N I G H T   T O   R E M E M B E R

Manik couldn't control himself and marched towards her.

He turned her and looked at her with pure desired filled eyes. Nandini averted her gaze unable to bear intensity of his eyes.

Before Manik could kiss the hell out of her Nandini moved a little to create space.

"Mr. Malhotra we should leave" Nandini whispered.

She is littreally hating herself for being so affected just by his gaze.

"Come" Manik put his hand at the small of her back.

Nandini flinched at the contact of his cold hand with her bare back. Manik noticed this and asked "What happened?"

"No-No No-nothing" Nandini stuttered.

This was the first time Manik saw her stuttering or she was always confident and feisty. Look like the saree has changed Nandini.

Manik guided Nandini to his car and sat on the driver seat. Manik wasn't able to take his eyes off from her but he had to drive so it's better if he concentrate on the road. Manik turned straight and drove.

Nandini looked at Manik through the corner of her eyes. He was looking an Alpha Male. The grey suit has really complimented his aura and the white shirt beneath with two buttons open giving a clear view of his well-toned chest was drool-worthy. He didn't wore tie but still he was looking like a model straight from a magazine.

(ignore the sneakers)

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(ignore the sneakers)

Nandini averted her gaze before he could catch her checking him out.

The silence was killing Nandini so she turned on the radio.

"Hello, Hii, Namaste main hoon apaka host aur dost Smaran" Nandini's eyes lit up hearing the name.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now