26| Romance Session

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R O M A N C E   S E S S I O N

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R O M A N C E   S E S S I O N

Manik's P. O. V

"You came here? As in in this penthouse?" I asked.

"Yeah" She replied looking around.

"But you said you never got the time to explore Shimla" I objected.

She turned to me "I said I never got the time to explore Shimla but it doesn't mean I never came here. I came to Shimla once for a project and I'm hundred percent sure I came in this penthouse itself. I was really mesmerised my yhe interiors"

Huh? But how can she come here? This is the second time I came here myself, and even if she came here how come I never came to know?

"When did you came?" I asked icily.

I saw her roll her eyes at my tone and replied "Three years ago, maybe at the month of ummm.....September?"

September - wait! Was it she?

I caught her arms gently and stared straight into her eyes.

"Are you sure it's September?"

Rose looked down for a moment as if thinking "Yeah.....it was September. I'm sure"

I controlled my excitement and went inside leaving Rose behind. I quickly shuffled in the empty cupboard where few clothes of mine and some guns along with bullets were kept.

My hands passed through a silk cloth and I immediately stopped my searched. My hands automatically made their way to the cloth and I removed it out.

The red silk scarf was feeling as delicate as my Rose and if my guess is right, then god help you Rose I'm never gonna leave you.

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