11| Forgiveness to a Request

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F O R G I V E N E S S   T O   R E Q U E S T

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F O R G I V E N E S S   T O   R E Q U E S T

Ignoring someone is what we all had done once in our life but ignoring a Mafia who happens to your obsessed lover is not what we all do.

It's been two weeks since that incident. Next day after the incident Nandini ignored him, which Angered Manik to no extent and he growled, shouted and even tried to make her talk with his arrogant behaviour but Nandini is stubborn. She just give him a blank face. Not even a emotion just blank.

Manik tried to bring her to his room out of her will but Nandini locked herself up in the washroom for two days which made her faint due to lack of energy, after one week Manik stopped forcing or ordering because he can't see her suffering.

The morning was shining out there. Manik got up and looked around the room, it lost his charm since Nandini moved out.

Manik freshen up and went in the hall.


Past two weeks, this is same routine. The villa is not as cheerful as before just because Nandini has been shut herself. It's not like she is not like before, she is. She still smile, still joke, still clumsy but with everyone and not him. Whenever he is around she Will be blank but everyone else she is Nandini.

And this is killing him. Manik sighed and sat on the dining table. Daisy brought his food and drinks served it.

"Did Nandini ate?" Manik aksed.

"Yes, sir" Daisy replied.

Manik stared at his food.

"Sir if you don't mind, Can I say something?" Daisy asked.

Manik nodded.

"Sir, Nandini......she's a strong woman and as much as I have known her she has suffered a lot though she doesn't let it come on her face but the emptiness can be felt in her voice. I don't know what happened between you two that she us behaving so oblivious to your presence but I think she-" Daisy was cut off.

"Hate me" Manik completed.

The pain was visible in his voice.

"No, she is angry with you. If she hated you than she would have ran away till now but she didn't so technically it means she is angry" Daisy smiled.

Manik won't lie he did found some hope.

"So what should I do?" Manik asked.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now