35| Unknown Truths

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U N K N O W N   T R U T H S

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U N K N O W N   T R U T H S

Once they reached Malhotra Villa, Manik turned to Nandini who is in her deep slumber. He took a good look at her face, her face is paled than before and there are scratches all over her body that can be seen.

If taking care of his Rose wasn't his first priority then he would have definitely ripped off everyone's head who dared to even lay a finger on her.
He closed his eyes to gulp down his anger for the moment. Taking out his arm from her grasp as softly as possible, Manik made her sit properly on the seat. Parking the car, he went to Nandini's side and took her in his arms gently.

On his way Cabir and Dhruv too joined him. They both got a bit tensed looking at Nandini.

"Manik is she okay?" Dhruv asked concernly.

"Yes, just tired and call a damn doctor" He ordered.

Dhruv nodded and gave a small supportive pat on his shoulder. Though Manik isn't saying anything doesn't mean that Dhruv doesn't understand his haywire state of mind. Nandini is not just his obsession or wife, she is his only salvation.

"Manik...." Cabir sighed.

Manik stopped in his tracks, looking at him.

"Umm....nothing. I'll tell you later. For now take care of Nandini" He caressed her hair.

Manik would have scowled at his small act of caressing her hair but right now the brotherly concern and her situation kept Manik calm.

He nodded and qued to their room. Nandini was clutching his coat in a fist and hugging him like a pillow.

Laying her gently on the bed, he pulled the duvet to her and sat beside her. He caressed her cheeks with the back of his hand.

"Rose" He breathed out.

Manik took her hand pulled up the sleeve of her long t-shirt. Red cuts and bruises were visible on her hand. He could see all red in anger, the anger bubbling up in him is enough to burn down every existence of the person who caused this.

Rubbing his temples, Manik sighed grumbling under his breath. He placed a feather kiss on her forehead and got up to leave.

His hand was tucked by another hand stopping him from leaving. He looked back and found Nandini awake and looking at him tiredly.

He sat back and caressed her hair "Go back to sleep"

"No, I'm not feeling like sleeping" She shook her head.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐕/𝐒 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now