Chapter Thirty-One: The Order Of The Phoenix

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I had no contact with Draco or Harry that summer. After what happened everyone agreed that it was best for Harry to go back to our Aunt and uncle's for the summer to keep him in the muggle world, me on the other hand, refused and insisted I stay with Remus. The three of us stayed together, I was worried about Harry with the Dursleys. I was having nightmares, so I knew he was too. That's when we got the owl from the Ministry, explaining to Sirius what had happened; that Harry had used underaged magic. The Weasleys, Hermione and The Order of the Phoenix members came to 12 Grimmauld Place where the Order meetings were taking place before Harry had ever gotten there. Hermione had stayed in my room with me.

When I heard Harry came into the room Hermione, Ron and I were sitting in I jumped up happily to see my brother. "Harry!" I shouted happily but it was obvious I hadn't slept because I hadn't, my nightmares had been keeping me up at night, relentlessly taunting me of my mother's death.

"Aria!" Harry smiled at me as we hugged. "Long time, no see, sis."

"Long time, Harry." I smirked at my brother.

"So, what is this place?" My brother questioned.

"Headquarters of the Order of The Phoenix." I told him.

"It's a secret society." Hermione added, "Dumbledore formed it back when they fought You-Know-Who."

"Couldn't have put any of this in a letter, I suppose? I've gone all summer without a scrap of news." Harry questioned.

"We were told not to tell you anything as long as you remained in the muggle world." I sighed, "Who knows who could've intercepted the owl."

"And the fact Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything." The other female added.

"Dumbledore said that? But why would he keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help. I'm the one who saw Voldemort return... the one who fought him, who saw Cedric Diggory get killed." Harry questioned.

"I watched him return too, Harry." I sighed, shivering at the thought. "But that's who Dumbledore is; he knows everything but won't tell anyone about it until the right moment." Soon enough, Mrs. Weasley opened the door.

"You can come down now, the meeting's over." She told us. We then all head down to the kitchen. When we entered the kitchen it was set up with one long table down the middle and chairs. Harry sits down next to Sirius, who was sat at the end of the table and I sat next to Remus.

"Well, the Ministry is furious with you." Sirius pointed out to Harry.

"Why?" Harry questioned, as if he didn't know the answer already.

"You did magic in front of your muggle cousin. You'll have to go to a disciplinary hearing tomorrow." The god father told him.

"Okay." Harry sighed then standing up, "I'm not really hungry. I think I'll go to bed."

"You surprise me, Harry. I figured the first thing you'd do is start asking about Voldemort." Sirius commented and in that moment the room became dead quiet. Harry looked at him.

"I wanted to, but I didn't think you'd tell me anything." Harry said after a moment of silence.

"And that was quite right, Harry! You're much too young-" Mrs. Weasley was cut off by Sirius.

"He has a right to know, Molly. They both do." The brown-haired man said, sparing a look to me.

"It's not your decision!" The red-headed mother snapped.

"I know what Dumbledore said, but they need to know something." He replied calmly.

"Yeah." Harry agreed, grinning. My anger was festering, I hated Dumbledore. It was taking a lot for me not to say something.

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