Chapter Eleven: The Fact Of The Matter

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I made my way upstairs and to her room. I tried the doorknob and it was locked. I would use magic but I can't outside of Hogwarts but there is another thing I know that isn't magic. But how to pick a lock. The reason I know how to do this is really none of your business but I'll tell you anyway. My mum once locked her wand in the house and picked the lock to get in so she taught me how to pick a lock.

I took the bobby pin out of my hair and went to work. It wasn't a hard task as this wasn't my first lock. I heard all five clicks and turned it. I opened it, removing my bobby pins.

Step one was complete now for step two.

The first place I looked was under the bed. She had a few boxes but nothing of importance. The next place I looked was her closet. I found a punch of old photos. A scrapbook of all of our memories. Should I be doing this? Snap out of it Aria. You are doing it for a good reason. The last place I checked was her nightstand. I opened the drawer and it was right there my Ministry Issued Birth Certificate. I took it in my hands and read my name.

Aria Lily Potter


James Potter


Lily Potter

What the bloody hell is going on?


I stood there in shock for a moment before I put everything back where it was. She can't know that I know for now. I have to process this. I am Harry's MISSING twin sister. I left and relocked the door. What was I going to do now? I can't tell anyone, not yet. Not until I figure this all out. Maybe she was friends with Lily and James?

I went to my room, thinking of possible explanations but it was just surprising. Harry is my brother. It feels weird to even think about. It was going to be hard to explain to anyone. I had more questions then what I started with and I didn't think I could trust Dumbledore with this. He gave me a bad vibe. I don't know why but he did.

When my 'mum' came home, if I can even call her that anymore, I acted like everything was normal. If she found out that I knew this there is n doubt she would pull me out of Hogwarts immediately and I'd never see any of my friends ever again. I could tell this break was going to be a long one.

Christmas and New Years came and went and soon enough I was back at Hogwarts, thankfully but I was avoiding Harry like the plague. I don't think anyone really noticed my absence from the trio except for the twins. "What's going on?" Fred asked me.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Why are you not with Harry, Hermione and Ron?" George questioned.

"We can't talk about it here." I sighed, looking around the Great Hall. They just gave me a confused look.

"Why not?" They both asked at the same time.

"Reasons." I answered. They both looked at me, even more confused. "It's a really big secret that I didn't expect to find out over Christmas break and if people were to find out, the Wizarding World would go mental."

"You can't just tell us that and expect us to not ask questions." George said. I then got up and sighed.

"Come on." I told them. They then followed me out of the Great Hall and into an empty classroom.

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