Chapter Seven: What Happened Between Them?

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Happy Double Update Halloween!

The summer was long for me, I got in trouble with my mom for getting detention so I was locked up most of the summer. Basically, I was forced to stay in the house and cut off from the outside world. Hermione, Fred, George, and Ron sent me letters but I wasn't able to reply, unfortunately. I didn't see anyone until September 1st. I met Hermione at the platform. We were both happy to see each other and I explained why I wasn't able to reply to any of her letters.

We couldn't find Ron or Harry anywhere so we sat with Fred, and George. We were talking about our summers, I told them that I was pretty much grounded all summer for everything that happened last year. "I see why you call her a hover momster now." George said.

"She is, and she is so strict." I sigh, "It's annoying."

"I'm sorry, Ari." Hermione told me.

"I'll be right back." I said, leaving the compartment. I went to the bathroom but ran into Draco on the way there.

"Westie." Draco acknowledged.

"Malfoy." I said back.

"Where are you heading?" He questioned.

"Why do you need to know?" I wondered.

"Just curious, I guess." He shrugged.

"Draco, you still aren't over stalking me?" I questioned, giving him a stupid look.

"Bloody hell, I am not stalking you, Aria." He sighed.

"Then what are you doing?" I questioned, "Wanting to know what I am doing or where I am going every time you see me?"

"So what?" He shrugged.

"It's kinda creepy, a little on the stalker side." I told him.

"So what if I am concerned for your safety? Especially since you're hanging out with Potter." He told me. Then it hit me and I ran my hand through my ginger hair.

"Did my mum put you up to this?" I wondered.

"I don't even know your mum." He told me.

"You have no say in my life Draco. I get enough of it from my mum already. That's final." I told him, then I walked to the bathroom. Soon enough we made it Hogwarts and there was still no sign of Harry or Ron. Hermione and I were very concerned.

We got into the Great Hall and there was still no sign of them. So they either got into a lot of trouble or they missed the train. It wasn't until that night in the common room that we saw them. "Where the bloody hell have you two been?!" Hermione snapped at them.

"It's a long story." Harry said.

"Well, I believe we have time." I told them.

"They are going to find out anyway, Harry. We might as well just tell them." Ron sighed.

"So, the doorway to the platform wouldn't let us on..." Harry began just to be cut off by Ron.

"...So we flew my dad's car here." Ron finished.

"Now, was that so long?" I asked with a frustrated smile on my face.

"No." they both said at the same time and I looked over to see Hermione boiling.

"YOU TWO COULD'VE GOTTEN KILLED OR WORSE... EXPELLED!" She raised her voice slightly, very pissed. Soon after the blow up we all went to bed.

I couldn't sleep, I don't know why, but I couldn't. But my mind kept going back to my conversation with Draco on the train today and it made me question. Why would he, a pureblooded Slytherin, be concerned for my safety, a half-blood's, safety? But what if my mom didn't put him up to it and he's genuinely concerned? That wouldn't explain why he was following me last year too before everything at the end of the year happened.

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