Chapter Twenty-Eight: Drowned

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When Draco saw me walk down those stairs, he looked at me with a smile and slightly bit his lip. I smiled back at him. When I got towards the bottom of the stairs he offered his hand, helping me down the rest of the way like a gentleman. "You look absolutely beautiful." He smiled at me.

"And you look handsome." I complimented, smiling back at him. Then McGonagall cme towards me.

"There you are. You and Mr. Malfoy will wait next to your brother and enter with the other four champions for the first dance." She told me.

"What dance?" I asked, not knowing what she was talking about. She forgot to tell bth Harry and I.

"Oh, well now you know." She shrugged then walked off.

"Draco, I'm a horrible dancer." I told him.

"Hey, it'll be fine just follow my lead." He told me, "My mother made me get dancing lessons." He then offered me his arm. "Come on." I took his arm and we walked to my brother.


Walking into the Great Hall it was a sight. Everything was decorated perfectly and beautifully. I was walking with Draco down the aisle between the crowd. When we reached the center, I set my hand on Draco's shoulder and he took my waist as the music started and we started dancing. I followed his lead the best I could. I noticed my brother struggling with his date, Parvati. Then Dumbledore began to dance with McGonagall, even Madame Maxine with Hagrid. The only professor to stay on the sidelines was Moody, even Filch danced with his cat.

The entertainment for the night was the Weird Sisters, Draco and I were dancing together for most of the night together. It was a very good night. We were one of the last one to our respective common rooms. I had noticed Harry and Ron sitting out the whole time. Ron was jealous of Hermione and Harry of Cedric.

That night, I had another nightmare.

It started at a house, the second story. There was a chair in the room and a voice could be heard, "You must begin to make preparations, Wormtail. Nagini will need milking. The journey will not be easy..." Then in the chair was a bundle of cloth but that's where the voice was coming from.

Then I woke up. I went down to the common room and sat in front of the fire, thinking. I wrapped a blanket around me. Then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I looked to see who it was. It's just Harry. "Hey Harry." I greeted my brother.

"Hey Aria." Harry sighed then sitting next to me. I sat back on the arm rest and looked at him.

"Why are you up?" I asked him.

"Nightmare." He sighed, "You?"

"Same." I nodded.

"So you and Draco really are dating?" he questioned.

"You don't have to like it Harry." I told him.

"I'm aware." He nodded. "Just be careful. I know Draco has changed since our first year but still."

"First Hermione, now you. When will I catch a break?" I asked.

"We are just trying to make sure you are playing it safe, sis." He told me, before saying, "How come I had to have the shitty eyesight?"

"Well, Harry, I got most of mum's genes and you got dad's." I chuckled.

"Obviously." He chuckled before looking at me solemnly, "Last year, after what happened, happened, you said Snape had been treating you differently, I was wondering why?"

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