Chapter Eighteen: The Heist

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Christmas came and went. Spring was now here and I was talking with Harry about borrowing his invisibility cloak for a night. "You want to borrow my invisibility cloak, why?" Harry asked.

"For some late night mischief." I told him, it wasn't necessarily a lie.

"Look, I'll lend it to you as long as I don't get pranked." He sighed.

"Deal." I smiled at him. "Thank you, Harry."

"You're welcome, Aria." He smiled back.



Common Room.............

Soon after Harry agreed to lend me the cloak, he gave it to me. "Be careful with it." He told me as he handed it to me.

"I owe you, Harry, big time." I told him.

"Whatever you're doing, just don't prank me, please." He told me.

"I won't, promise." I nodded, taking it from him.

"Good." He nodded. I threw the cloak over me and left the common room. I walked my way past the paintings, them not knowing I was even ever there, all the way to Dumbledore's office. I said the password the gargoyle statue started to move and I stood on the second step so I didn't have to walk up all those steps. I had to be careful. I couldn't take off the cloak, Dumbledore was too good and would know it was me. I could get expelled for this, easily, which is why I had a plan in my head. I slowly opened his door, attempting to keep it as quiet as possible. He wasn't in the main part of his office thankfully but there was a file already set out on his desk. I slowly walked over to it. It had my name on it but it was almost like... he knew I was coming.

"Good evening, Ms. West." Dumbledore said being able to see me. "You can take the cloak off, I'm not going to expel you or give you detention for this. I know you knew I was lying to you." I sighed and took off the invisibility cloak. "What is it you want to know?"

"You knew where I was the whole time, didn't you? That's why you told everyone I was dead?" I asked.

"That is correct. When I finally made it to the Potter's house Voldemort had just been killed by both you and your brother but Alicia West, was on her way out with you in her arms." He answered.

"But why?" I asked, confused, "Why did you let her have me? Take the chance of letting her turn me towards Voldemort's side?"

"It is what was best for you." He answered.

"You had no right to decide what was best for me and my brother." I said and it came out like a hiss. "We have godparents to make those decisions."

"Sirius Black had been arrested." He answered me.

"First of all, Sirius Black isn't my godfather. Professor Lupin is. And is Sirius really guilty or did everyone believe it just like everyone believes that I'm dead." I told him, "I grew up not knowing who my parents were. I grew up living a lie because of you. Thanks a lot." I was angry. I was beyond angry. I put the cloak back on and went back to the common room, suppressing tears. I was so angry, my whole life was this huge lie. I went to the dormitory, and laid in my bed letting the tears spill out onto the pillow as I quietly sob. Then I felt someone sit on the edge of my bed.

"Are you okay, Ari?" Hermione questioned, worried. I turned my head to look at her and shook my head, 'no'. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head again. "Do you want me to just be here?" I nodded, 'yes'. I scooted over and she laid down next to me but it wasn't until we heard the commotion we went to go check out what was going on. The boys were filing out of the boy's dormitory in a panic. I stopped one.

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