Chapter Fifteen: Professor Lupin

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"Can you believe Dumbledore has this oaf teaching classes." Draco said, making an off handed comment to me and I gave him a look.

"Draco, no." I told him.

"Listen, you stupid prat-" Harry began.

"You two need to stop. We don't need anyone in the hospital wing because you two got into a fight." I began trying to defuse the tension. Then Hagrid came out of the wood with a strange beast that I recognized as a Hippogriff.

"Beau'iful, isn' he?" Hagrid asked, grinning.

"Hagrid. Exactly what is that?" Ron asked.

"A Hippogriff, o' course. Now, firs' thing yeh gotta know is they're proud. Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't never insult one, 'cause it migh' be the las' thing yeh do. Right then... who wants ter come an' say hello?" Hagrid said and we all stepped back except for Harry leaving him in front. "Good man, Harry!" Harry looked around and reluctantly approached the Hippogriff. Tha's it. Easy now... stop! This here's Buckbeak, Harry. Yeh want ter let 'im make the firs' move. It's polite, see? Jus' take step forward, give 'im a bow, and if Buckbeak bows back, yeh're allowed ter touch him. Ready?" Harry nodded and did exactly as he said. However, Buckbeak started to eye Harry. "Back off, Harry! Back off!" Harry begins to back off and then Buckbeak bowed his head. "Well done, Harry! Go on. Give 'im a pat." So Harry reaches out and lays his hand on his beak. We all clap. "Look at that! I reckon he migh' let yeh ride 'im!"

"Excuse me?" Harry questioned in surprise.

"We'll jus' set yeh behind the wing joint. Mind yeh don' pull any feathers out. He won' like that." The half-giant told him. Then smacking his hindquarters, causing him to fly.

When Harry came back he got off of Buckbeak and stood by Hagrid. Draco then pushes past the student body, striding towards Buckbeak, "Give me a go at that thing. If Potter can do it, it must be easy. You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute-" Draco said, Hagrid tried to stop him but he inevitably got slashed. "It's killed me! It's killed me!"

"Draco, you bloody idiot! You're fine." I cursed at him.

"Hagrid. He's got to be taken to a hospital. I'll go with you, if you like-" Hermione said.

"No. I'm the teacher. You all just... Class dismissed!" Hagrid announced.


I went to go see Draco in the Hospital Wing, not out of concern but because I was angry with him. Crabbe and Goyle were there with him but when I entered the hospital wing he told them to leave. There weren't many people there in the wing besides Madame Pomfrey. I walked to where Madame Pomfrey was putting his arm into a sling. "Draco, what the bloody hell was that?" I asked him.

"I don't know, Aria." He sighed.

"Well, you need to figure it out because what you did just got you hurt and you owe an apology to Hagrid. He knows what he's talking about and you didn't listen to him when you should have." I lectured.

"I don't want to apologize to that oaf." He told me.

"Then, you can talk to me when you've gotten your head out of your arse." I said, walking out of the Hospital Wing but making eye contact with Lucius Malfoy on my way out.

That night in the Great Hall, Draco was sitting with Pansy Parkinson, I was sitting with Fred and George, near Neville and Lavender and Parvati. Once in a while I saw Draco look at me. I wasn't sure what the look read but he was ignoring Pansy. "He's been sighted!" Seamus announced and we all looked to him.

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