Chapter Fifty-Four: One Last Letter From The Hover Momster

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Happy Mother's Day


"Hey, are you okay?" Draco wondered as I laid back in bed, next to him.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just got up to get some water and I ran into my brother trying to leave." I informed him.

"So you guys are serious about this? Going Horcrux hunting?" He wondered.

"Very." I sighed as I placed my hand to his cheek. I was dreading the whole thing, knowing Harry or I may have to die. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Aria." He said before kissing me. What was innocent quickly turned into something more heated, causing Draco to put a silencing charm on the room.


I was getting dressed for the wedding and packing my clothes in Hermione's bottomless bag. I was nervous for what was coming. All I knew was it was the beginning of the end. There was hope in finding the horcruxes and finding a way to destroy them but there was also dread in all of our hearts about Harry or I having to die to be able to defeat him. After the family meeting we informed the order what would have to happen, well everyone but Snape. Harry nor I trusted him.

"Wow. Are we sure it's your birthday and not mine?" Draco smirked at me in a flirting matter, looking me up and down, "You look- wow." I was wearing an emerald green sleeveless cocktail and over that I put my leather jacket and heeled shoes. "You would've looked amazing in Slytherin colors."

"Thank you, Dray." I smiled solemnly.

"I know that face, you're terrified." He acknowledged.

"Sometimes, I think you know me a little too well." I sighed as he came closer to me.

"You're right I do and I love every single bit of you." He told me as he put his hand on my waist. He leaned down, kissing me. "Come on, we should probably go help set up." We went down stairs just to see that the minister of magic was there.

"What the bloody hell is he doing here?" I questioned.

"Dumbledore left a few things following his death." Hermione said, holding a book. It was recognizably The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

"He left something for you as well, Miss. Potter, 'To Aria Lily Potter-West, I leave behind my knife that may one day become very helpful on your journeys, and this letter, which I hope will help you come to terms with past happenings.'" The Minister of Magic handed me a knife and an envelope. It was a thick envelope, however the seal wasn't Hogwarts red, it was white, which means marriages, death, funeral or even melancholy. I then proceeded to look at the front of the envelope and it was addressed to me but it was a familiar handwriting. It was Alicia's.

"Alicia?" I mumbled out of confusion. I quickly opened the letter by the wax seal and pulled it out of the envelope.


If you are reading this, I'm dead. Voldemort probably got to me for keeping both you and Harry alive unlike I was supposed to. I imagine he is even angrier since I ended up raising you as my own.

I'm sorry I lied to you for all of these years but I did what I had to do to keep you safe. I don't regret what I did, I kept you safe but not when it was needed the most. I imagine when I tell you this I will anger you more than I already have but I know either you or Harry have to die to defeat Voldemort. I figured that out a while back when I was trying to keep you safe and you had that scar on you. I never wanted to raise you to die but that's what happened. You and your brother are both in grave danger and in my advice I'd run like hell.

Throughout my years of raising you, you gave me things I never thought I could have. A home, a family, love. You know that my parents disowned me for serving Voldemort and now looking back at it they had every right to but they were killed for not following my example and now I hate myself for it. You gave me a family again even if you really had no choice on the matter. You loved me without judgement and I want to thank you for that. I will always see you as my daughter even if you weren't blood and I will always love you.

I know this probably doesn't fix things between us but it's worth a try, I guess. All I can say is you may now trust or like the man but listen to Dumbledore.

I love you,


I felt a wide range of emotions because of one letter, I felt grief, hate, anger, sadness and just more anger. "Aria?" Draco said in a concerned voice. Everyone, including my godfather and Sirius, in the room looked at my heated face. The Minister having already left.

"She knew, she knew the whole goddamn time." I said, tears threatening to leak out my eyes.

"She knew what?" Remus questioned.

"About the prophecy." I said, looking in the envelope again and there was another letter and a few photos. I ignored the letter for now and grabbed the photos. They were of me growing up, from two to twelve. I hadn't been back to the house since she died, for all I know it's crawling with Death Eaters. "If I could I'd punch her and Dumbledore right now."

"Why Dumbledore?" Harry asked.

"He kept this from me since her death, Harry, but because he has to be cryptic all the goddamn time he refused to give it to me since she talked about the prophecy in it. " I told him.

"What does it say?" Dray wondered.

"Basically a bullshit apology." I sighed. "But there is another letter in there that I'll read later."

Before the wedding I was sitting on Draco and I's bed and I pulled the second letter out of the envelope. This one wasn't from Alicia but from Dumbledore. He must have written this before my mother closed the envelope. There wasn't a lot of the parchment, just a few words.

You know what you have to do.

I gulped, thinking about what Alicia put in the end of her letter. Did they raise me just to die? I had unwilling tears come down my face as I thought about what was about to happen. I don't know if it was out of fear or sadness of knowing what was going to have to happen in the end.

At the reception of the wedding, hours later, Fleur looked amazing with her black and white dress. Draco and I were dancing together, but at some point Fred and George snuck up behind me and leaned on my shoulders. "Hello love birds." The twins said together.

"Boys." I chuckled.

"Aria." They said. "Draco." They then took my hand and I had Draco's hand in mine as they dragged me to the center of the dance floor with Ginny as I dragged Draco behind me with a laugh as I saw my brother enter the tent. We danced and goofed around at least until a patronus came and ruined the affair.

"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming..." The patronus said in Kingsley's voice. I knew it was time as a shriek let out so I turned to Draco.

"I love you. Be safe." I told him before kissing him.

"I love you too." He nodded. "Comeback to me." I then made my way to Harry, Ron and Hermione and we left the burrow.

We appeared on a street, seconds before we got hit by a bus we pulled back onto the walkway. "Where are we?" Ron wondered.

"Shaftesbury Avenue. I used to come here to the theater with my mum and dad. Just popped into my head. I don't know why..." Hermione sighed as we went on our way. She then led us to an alleyway, "This way!" As we take refuge in the shadows Hermione goes through her bottomless bag. "We need to change." With those words, she pulls out my jeans, t-shirt, leather jacket and converse with socks, handing them to me.

"Thank you." I smiled at her as I took them before going behind a dumpster to get dressed.

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