Chapter Forty-Six: The Slug Club

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"Should we help him?" Draco questioned.

"Nah, he'll be fine." I shrugged. Of course I told Draco about what Dumbledore told me except the fact he's dying of course.

"I still can't believe Dumbledore asked Harry and you to let yourselves be collected." Draco sighed.

"Apparently he had important information that can help us in the fight." I said in a low voice so only the two of us could hear it. Then we heard the screaming and we ran towards it like buffoons.

It was Katie Bell, six feet in the air. Harry and Ron grabbed her ankles making her fall to the ground. I looked to what caused it and it was a necklace, but I dare not touch it. Katie was still thrashing and shrieking. "I warned her! I warned her not to touch it!"

"Push her on to her side!" I said in a panic, noticing her state. Draco ran to get help. Then he came back with Hagrid.

"Get back! All o' yeh!" The half-giant demanded so we did. He took care of Katie before turning to us. "Don' go touchin' tha' but by the wrappin's. Unnerstan'?"


The six of us, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Draco, Leanne (Katie's friend who was with her), and I were in McGonagall's office. The necklace laying on her desk. "You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks, Leanne?" McGonagall questioned.

"It's like I said. She went to the loo and when she came back she had the package. She said it was important she deliver it." Leanne told the head of house.

"Did she say to whom?" She wondered and the girl shook her head. "All right, Leanne. You may go." Leanne then left, leaving us five students. "Why is it always you four? Hm? When something happens? Mr. Malfoy, this is your third time?" Draco nodded.

"Believe me, Professor, I've been asking myself the same question for six years." Ron stated.

"Yeah and sometimes I wonder if I should have listened to Alicia. Keep my head down, Stay away from Harry Potter but somethings are just unavoidable I guess." I sighed. Then Snape appeared at the door.

"Severus." McGonagall said, noticing him.

"Is this it?" He wondered. She nodded.

"What do you think?" The Transfiguration Professor nodded.

"I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive." Snape commented.

"She was cursed, wasn't she? I know Katie. Off the Quidditch pitch she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was bringing that to someone, she wasn't doing it knowingly." Harry said, defending her.

"Yes, she was cursed." McGonagall confirmed.

"It was Pansy." Harry suddenly said and I rolled my eyes, looking at Draco.

"That's a very serious accusation, Potter." She said.

"Indeed. Your evidence?" Snape wondered.

"I... just... know." my brother sighed.

"You... just... know. Once again you astonish with your gifts, Potter, gifts mere mortals could only dream of possessing. How grand it must be to be the Chosen One." the ex-potions master sassed.

"I suggest you return to your dormitory. All of you." The female professor told us. We then exited the office, quickly, not wanting to be in there longer than we had to. Draco didn't walk me back to my dorm that night, we both thought it better if we went straight to our dorms, especially after what happened today.

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