Chapter Forty-One: One Thing I Will Never Be

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Sorry for the shorter chapter. This also has one of my favorite lines in it. Happy Late St. Patrick's Day.



"We've waited fourteen years." Harry sighed.

"I know." Lucius said with pity in his eyes.

"I think we can wait a little longer. Now! " I smirked at him. "Stupefy." We all casted the spell at Death Eaters. Then we all took off in a run and Lucius Malfoy stopped us and then we went down another aisle. We all got separated. Draco and I made sure to stay together though. We ran into his father and I casted "Stupefy." on him.

"I never wanted you to meet my parents like this!" He told me.

"I know but what happens, happens, I guess." I sighed. I then finally saw my brother along with Hermione and Ron. Now we were on the run from Death Eaters. We all kept casting "Stupefy." On the Death Eaters chasing us. They kept blocking it so Hermione started pushing prophecies on him. Then we finally regrouped with the rest of the group. Then there was a giant black cloud of Death Eaters.

"Reducto" Ginny casted. Vaporizing them basically but then all the prophecies began to fall from their shelves so we ran, heading back to the door. With the falling prophecies on our tail we entered a door and when opened it and went through it we fell. We stopped before we hit the ground, then hitting the ground.


"Department of Mysteries. They got that bit right, didn't they?" Ron said in a sarcastic manner.

"What is that?" I asked, referring to the thing in the middle.

"The voices." Harry said. "Can you tell what they're saying?"

"No, it's just a jumbled mess." I told him.

"There aren't any voices." Hermione said. "Let's get out of here."

"I hear them as well." Luna agreed.

"Guys, it's just an empty archway." Hermione told us. "Please, Harry."

"Get behind me!" Harry said and so I did, as did everyone else. Then there was a black smoke of deatheaters, swarming us. Taking everyone but Harry and I. I looked for Draco and his mother held him with a wand to his side, just a Bellatrix held a wand to Neville's throat.

Lucius then walked up to us. "Did you actually...or were you truly naive enough to think... that children stood a chance against us?" He questioned. "I'll make this simple for you, Potters. Give me the prophecies now... or watch your friends die." Lucius held out his hand, waiting.

"Don't do it, Aria!" Draco shouted.

"Don't give it to him!" Neville shouted. I looked at my prophecy. In great contemplation then to my brother. He looked at me and we made the decision. Harry gave his over to Lucius.

"Now you, girl." Lucius demanded and I still looked at my brother and he nodded and I knew what I had to do.

"You know, I try to be a good person, Mr. Malfoy, but it always ends up failing." I admitted. "I don't know if it's because I was raised by a Death Eater-"

"A traitor." He corrected me.

"Or if it's the amount of sarcastic bastard I genetically have because I have heard the stories. I think I can rightfully say that. So I may be a good person or I may be a bad person but I am going to tell you one thing I'm not." I began.

"What is that?" He said playing along with it.

"A traitor." I smirked then smashing it into the ground. Before he could even react there was a white light from behind him and it was Sirius, Lucius then turned around.

"Get away from my godchildren." Sirius said, then punching Lucius Malfoy in the jaw. Suddenly a bright light filled the room and we took cover behind a rock.

"Sirius, I'm not you goddaughter though." I pointed out.

"You are close enough." He said. "Now both of you, listen to me. Take the others and get out of here."

"What?" We questioned at the same time.

"No, we are staying here with you." Harry told him.

"You've done beautifully. Now, let me take it from here." Sirius told us.

"Black." Lucius got the attention of Sirius. Then two other Death Eaters came in and a duel had begun. But next thing I saw was Bellatrix Lestrange, readying her wand and I looked at Sirius and back at the Death Eater.

"Stupefy." Knowing where Sirius was I pushed him out of the way, the spell hit me and I hit the side of the archway and then everything was black.

When I woke up I was in St. Mungo's, in a lot of pain. Draco was at one side and Remus was at the other, both asleep. Harry and Sirius were just walking into the room. "Aria!" Harry smiled happily. "You're awake!"

"Of course I am. Do you really think you can kill me that easily?" I told them. "What the hell happened anyway?" I really didn't remember what happened.

"Well you do have a concussion from impact so it doesn't surprise me." Sirius sighed, "But you saved my life."

"And the wizarding world officially knows about Voldemort's return." Harry added.

"It's about time." I sighed. "So, what about Draco?" I asked looking at my boyfriend then to Sirius.

"The Order has agreed to take him in after his betrayal to his parents and the Death Eaters, alike." Sirius told me.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"You're welcome, Aria." He smiled back, "I'm going to get a nurse, she's going to want to make sure you're okay."

"Remus. Draco." I nudged them awake. I watched my godfather and my boyfriend stir. Draco was the first one to wake up as my brother sat on the end of my bed.

"Aria?" Draco questioned, confused. Then he realized I was awake. "You're awake!" He said happily. "We were worried there for a while." He took my hand in his and then Remus woke up and practically did the same thing. The nurse came in and told me what was wrong with me.

"Well, on impact you broke three of your ribs that were able to repair however you also suffered a concussion too. You will be free to go tomorrow because we want to keep you overnight for observation. I am Nurse Hanna if you need me." She said before leaving. It turned out that I was out for two days, so that's why they wanted to keep me overnight for observation.

I was able to convince Draco and Remus to go back to Grimmalud place and get some sleep for the night, get a change of clothes, take care of themselves, knowing they both probably hadn't for the past two days but they made Sirius and Harry stay. They were able to fill me in on the situation and on what exactly happened. Like me saving Sirius's life, which I did not remember.

Bellatrix thought she had killed me.

That is going to be a surprise to her when she finds out I'm alive.

Harry had chased after her, angry about it. Draco on the other hand went to me and was the one who realized I was still alive.

Voldemort had revealed himself to the world. Making Fudge step down because he made an embarrassment of himself.

Remus and Draco came bright and early to St. Mungo's the next morning.

And when we went to Grimmalud place all the Weasleys were there and the Order members, making sure I was okay.

Thinking back and looking around, watching the people I care about get long so well, if I didn't break into Alicia's room this probably would've never happened. If I have never figured out who I was but that story isn't over just yet.

We still have prophecies to fulfill.

Dark Lords to conquer.

I look to my brother and think about the prophecy I held in my hand.

One of us has to die.

The Malfoy Affair (A Draco Malfoy x OC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now