Chapter Forty-Three: Felix Felicis

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"Anyway, what would You-Know-Who want with them anyway?" The ginger questioned.

"So what were they doing in Borgin and Burke's? Browsing for furniture?" Harry asked.

"It's a creepy shop. They are creepy people." Ron shrugged.

"Look. Their parents are Death Eaters. It only makes sense. Besides, Hermione saw it with her own eyes." My brother said.

"I told you. I don't know what I saw." Hermione sighed. Harry then got up before leaving.

"I need some air." Harry dismissed.

"Don't do anything stupid!" I shouted at him, before returning it to normal volume. "He's going to go do something stupid."

"Definitely." Hermione nodded.

"Should we go stop him?" Draco asked.

"No, this is that part where we let him do said stupid thing and let him learn his lesson." I explained.

"It never works but one day we have to hope that it does." Hermione agreed.


When we made it to Hogwarts and the train stopped Harry was still nowhere to be found. "Where's Harry?" Hermione wondered.

"Probably on the platform. C'mon." Ron answered.

"Either that or he got tied up doing something stupid." I honestly said.

"Good point, Aria." Hermione agreed as we walked off the train and onto the platform.

As it turns out he wasn't on the platform. Which left Hermione and I both worried. We separated from Draco who went to the Slytherin table, leaving me with a kiss.

We went through The Sorting Hat, He still wasn't there.

It wasn't until after The Sorting Hat ceremony, towards the end of dinner, when we saw him. I was sitting across from Hermione, next to Ginny. Ron was eating, reassuring us both, "Don' you worry. He'll be 'long soon 'nuff -"

"Will. You. Stop. Eating! Your best friend is missing!" Hermione said, whacking Ron.

"Oi! Turn around, you lunatic." Ron told her. We looked at the entrance of the Great Hall and saw a blood covered Harry.

"He's covered in blood again. Why is it he's always covered in blood?" Ginny sighed, worried.

"Looks like his own this time." Ron noticed.

"Where've you been, Harry? And what happened to your face?" Hermione asked as he arrived.

"Later. What've I missed?" Harry wondered.

"Sorting Hat urged us all to be brave and strong in these troubled times, easy for it to say, it's a hat, isn't it? First Years seemed to enjoy it, though. Wankers. Filch give you the wand outside?" Ron asked him. Ginny helped clean him up.

"Thanks." Harry said to him. Then the light in the Great Hall began dim and we all looked to the end of the hall, towards the Headmaster. We all noticed his ashen hand.

"I wonder what happened..." I wondered.

"The very best of evenings to you! First off, please join me in welcoming the newest member of our staff, Horace Slughorn." Dumbledore began as we all clapped, "Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post of Potions master. Meanwhile the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts will be assumed by Professor Snape." We were all shocked by the news before Dumbledore generated some clapping, "Now, as you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival tonight. You have a right to know why." Wait... we were what? They probably got my instant darkness powder and my fireworks. Fuck. I looked to Draco in a panic. "Once there was a young man who, like you, sat in this very Hall. Walk through the castle's corridors. Slept beneath its roof. He seemed, to all the world, a student like any other. His name? Tom Riddle." The Hall was silent, "Today, of course, the world knows him by another name. Which is why, as I stand looking out upon you all tonight, I am reminded of a sobering fact. Each day, every hour, this very minute perhaps, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle. But in the end, their greatest weapon remains... you. Just something to keep in mind. Now, off to bed. Pip pip!" And so we were off to bed, which really meant, sitting in our common room, catching up with people while the first years sleep. I really just sat and talked to Hermione.

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