Chapter Twelve: The Coward

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"Kill this time...Let me rip...Tear." I heard a voice say and it spooked me.

"Guys... I have to go find Hermione, I'll meet up with you either before or after the match, whichever comes first." I gulped before running off to go find her. On the way there I ran into one blonde headed boy. "Hey Draco."

"Aria, why are you in such a rush?" He asked me.

"I have to go find Hermione." I told him.

"Why?" He wondered.

"Reasons. That's why." I answered.

"You are spooked, what's going on? You can trust me." He said, sincerely.

"Draco, I like to think that we are semi-friends. However, you keep insulting my muggleborn friend, using a slur that's just... flat out racist and I can't be friends with someone like that, Draco. Trust me, I would love to trust you but, I can't not right now." I sighed, telling him the truth. I could tell it slapped him in the face.

"Okay." He sighed, "I'll talk to you later, Aria. I have some thinking to do." Then I proceeded to go to the library to find Hermione.


When I got to the library, that's when I found her, petrified. But I got there in time to see a small part of a tail slither away. It was a giant snake. Oh my God. I quickly went to go find a teacher, luckily Professor McGonagall was right around the corner and I immediately told her what I saw: the end of a green tail, like a snake slithering away. The other teachers came quickly after that, seeing me and she had me tell them what I saw and I did. Hermione was then escorted into the Hospital Wing and quidditch would be canceled. Oliver Wood was going to have a field day with that.

That night all Gryffindors met in the common room and Professor McGonagall made an announcement, "All students will return to their house common rooms by six o'clock in the evening. You will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions." She then rolled up her scroll of parchment, "I should tell you all this. Unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely that the school will be closed." Then she left. We all then turn to talk amongst ourselves.

"Haven't any of the teachers noticed that the Slytherins are all safe? Isn't it obvious all this stuff's coming fromSlytherin? The Heir of Slytherin,the monster of Slytherin. Why don't they just chuck all the Slytherins out?" Neville spoke up.

"They can't close Hogwarts. Where would we all go?" Seamus questioned.

"I don't care what anyone says. As long as Dumbledore's here, Hogwarts will be here." Dean said. Fred then looked at me and whispered.

"Tell me, why did you go looking for Hermione?" Fred asked in a whisper.

"Harry's a parseltongue." I whispered back giving him a look and he realized what that meant. That I'm one too. "I heard it" I said in even a softer voice, "Then I saw the end of its tail." He looked at me, in surprise.

"What was it?" He questioned.

"A snake, a giant, snake." I sighed. Soon after, I saw Ran and Harry rush somewhere, I figured it was about the thing that hurt Hermione. So I didn't say anything to anyone. It was that night we found out Hagrid got taken to Azkaban. We weren't given an explanation, he was just gone. That morning I also needed to apologize to Draco but instead he found me.

"Aria, I wanted to talk to you about what you said last night." Draco began. We were right outside the Great Hall. "You're right." I was shocked. "I never thought I would say that but you are. I've done some thinking over the night and your right. Can we start over?"

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