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Arnav's pov

I  was just in denial with the whole thing that happened with Khushi, she's right when she told me I needed to trust her.

In the world of business you don't trust, when you trust you get failed and backstabbed.

I can't tell her the situation am in even though her words rings in my head.

I parked my car and went into the mansion when am greeted with my family sitting and having tea in the living room,ahh I didn't want to see any of them right now.

"Evening Hariprikash my coffee." I greeted them then was heading to my  room when Anjali spoke.

"Arnav go and refresh and come down." Anjali said looking at me to see my reaction.

I gritted my teeth, ordering me everywhere when you speak against her then you see her shed crocodile tears and Mami and Nani would lecture me on how to take care of  my sister and how she is affected by our past life and blah blah blah....

"Anjali...."I spoke softly "Am actually very tired today, today have been a hectic day for so if you don't mind I would join you another time". She just frown and nodded before I left I heard Anjali spoke and I shooked my head.

"Nani his always busy,today I wanted him to spend time with his family  at least." Whiles crying

This woman! I freshened up and had my coffee and dinner, I was remembering what happened earlier the way I spoke rudely to her and the way she controlled herself and smiled at me.

I don't trust anyone even my shadow,the last time I trusted someone I was about to be buried six foot.

I took sleeping pills to allow me sleep.

Khush's pov

I  know arnav's most allergy is trust. He is  totally suffering from the inside but won't let out.

He is the type of person who isolate himself from people and don't mingle around.

I Know he has gone through a lot in his childhood days which is haunting him I was shooked by prito.

"Where have your mind drifted you to Khushi? for the past 10 minutes I have been calling you no response." She was actually worried.

"Hmm."that's all I could say

"Hmm Khushi are you okay." She said touching my forehead

"Just some work related stuff." I said straightening my legs. "Okay."

She was looking at me I knew she wanted me to tell her.

"Am actually tending to a client who has been through child abuse and those horrific event hasn't left him ,he is a kind if person who doesn't trust easily and if  he don't trust me enough to tell me he would still be in  that web." I explained to her sighing.

She just smiled weakly at me and yawned we both was tired so decided to retire to bed.

No one's pov

Akash had seen payal in a friend's party and at instant fell in love with her,he couldn't contain his happiness.

Secretly he would follow payal every where,he is often day dreaming in the office and in the house.

So one day he made his friend Angad introduced him to payal which they became friends,4month of friendship he decided to tell payal he liked her and she agreed instantly so she asked him to come and asked for her hand in marriage.

Akash was a little hesitant to tell this to his family because he knew that if arnav don't get married he wouldn't so he told Anjali and Anjali being the caring sister told everyone,his mother was happy but both was shrieking in fear of someone 'arnav'.

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