Reunions and Revelations

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I found this song on the internet and I don't know why but it's so beautiful! It has nothing to do with the story, but I wanted to put it here anyway :)

"Whoever controls the king, controls the kingdom"
― Holly Black, 

The sheer incredibility of what she was doing forced all emotions such as fear and panic out of her body.

Upon her arrival at the New Age stronghold, the blindfold had been whipped off, she was sat in a chair and given her instructions.

She was to go only where she was told to go, speak only with whom she was allowed to speak, and if any sign of suspicion was given she would be killed.

The herb satchel at her waist was unusually heavy as she was led down endless corridors and stairwells, to a place she could only assume was a dungeon. Not a normal one however. Instead of cages there were rooms. Heavy doors made of thick, black mettle.

Standing in front of one such door was a guard. A MudWing, she ventured to assume.

He seemed ready to jump at her, before the man leading her stepped in front and held up a hand. 

"She's the healer, Auburn. Let her pass."

The MudWing peered at her suspiciously. "I wasn't told that we'd be expecting a healer."

"She's here under order of Lord Ginger himself, do you wish to tell me you would like to cross him?"


"No Sir."

"No sir," the MudWing agreed, and stepped out of the way.

Glory's guard nodded at her to go in. "You have fifteen minutes. Patch him up and be out of there in that time, you hear me?"

Glory nodded.

Her heart was pounding as the door was opened. She wanted to run away while at the same time she wanted to stay.

She would be seeing him, for the first time in so long. For the first time since everything had happened. And he would be seeing her.

Taking a steadying breath, she forced herself to walk inside the dark room, not even wincing as the door slammed shut behind her.

It was hard to see anything while her eyes had yet to adjust, but someone was there. A man, leaning against the wall.

Glory knelt down in front of him and reached out shaking hands to grasp the sides of his face.

Slowly, his eyes flickered open. They starred at her in muddled confusion for a moment, before recognition dawned and they widened.


She tipped his head up and kissed him, a kiss full of pain and desire and sadness.

He was too surprised to react at first, but when he finally seemed to realize what was happening he returned the kiss with interest.

Glory pulled away, and  Deathbringer looked at her, with a dazed look on his face.

"Glory, what in the-"

"I don't have the time to explain," she shushed him. "Basically I'm here to save you and to destroy this place, but that comes later. First I need to heal you. Do you have any injuries?"

"A few." he winced as he sat up straighter.

Glory's eyes ran down his body, taking in the multitude of cuts, gashes and bruises that littered his skin.

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