Heart and Mind

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Tsunami sat in a state of gloom, legs dangling off her bed, toes brushing the floor.

All along. She thought. All along, he's has someone else, and now that someone else, he doesn't need me any more.

The door creaked open, and Anemone came in. She sat beside Tsunami and looked a her.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

Tsunami nodded. "Are you?"

Anemone sighed. "Yes, but- I don't know, It's just-have you noticed this weird feeling hanging around the castle? Sometimes when I'm walking around, I turn and I see a shadow following me. I'm scared Tsunami, what if someone has discovered what I am? What if they are trying to kill me for it?"

Tsunami put a protective arm around her sisters shoulders.

"Not what you are, what you can do. Being born with Sorcery does not make you a Sorcerer. You are what you want to be. And I promise, no one will hurt you, not while I'm around."

Very few knew that Anemone had magic in her blood. Only Tsunami, her friends, and the royal family.

"Thanks Tsunami, but-what if one of us who knows about me, what if one of them told someone? Mother trusts many of our family members that I don't trust. She told Uncle Shark, and Moray . . . Tsunami I really have a terrible feeling something bad is going to happen."

"I promise, you will be fine, I will keep you safe myself."

"I know that, but It's not just me I'm worried about. What if someone comes after Auklet? Or Mother? Or . . . you? Tsunami please, put me at ease and promise me you will stay out of danger."

"I-" Tsunami knew, it was impossible to stay out of danger, that she loved danger, but . . . seeing the look on the young girls face, Tsunami knew, those days of danger seeking had to belong in the past. She needed to be responsible. She needed to make sure her family didn't have to worry about her.

"I promise." she said, meaning it.

"Good" Anemone snuggled into her.

"So, Anemone, Hypothetically speaking, what would you do if you were in love with someone, and you thought he loved you back, then another girl he loved came to visit, and he acted all sweet to her and had never told you that he was seeing someone else?" Tsunami asked.

Anemone narrowed her eyes at her older sister. "Why are you asking?"

"No real reason! I'm just trying to help distract you."

Anemone thought for a moment. "Well, I wouldn't stand for it. It's not right to make a girl love you and make her think you return her feelings, then reveal you had another love the whole time. I would play with him. Make him jealous, like he did to me, then I would march up to him and give him a piece of my mind, and the girl too."

"Yes . . ." Tsunami hissed. She stood up, and rushed to the door calling back, "Thanks Anemone!"

"Riptide!" Tsunami called, waving.

Riptide smiled and walked over to her, holding hands with Waverly.

"Hello Tsunami-I was looking for yo-"

He broke off.

"Who's he?" he asked, gesturing to the man standing beside Tsunami.

"Oh!" Tsunami laughed lightly, and caressed her hand up the mans arm, doing her best to look at him adoringly.

"This is Hurricane, he's come visiting from another part of the kingdom. Isn't he just the handsomest?"

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