Ocean Flowing (p2)

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Ocean Flow walked more carefully now, treading softly through deserted hallways and stairwells.

Tonight was the only night this would be possible. The Royal SeaWings would be in disarray, from the princesses near drowning incident. They would have their guard down.

Finally, Ocean Flow heard the sound of voices. Giggles and whispers coming from the room to her right.

She peered in. 


Princesses Tsunami, Auklet and Anemone sat side by side in front of a large fire place, wrapped in large blankets, steaming goblets of milk in their hands.

"And then, the wave hit me, and it was like I was floating in a bubble. There was no up, no down, no sideways. Just water. I didn't know which way to swim to go up, what if I was swimming downwards instead?"

Tsunami related her story.

Both Anemone and Auklet snuggled closer to hear more.

"And then?" They asked in unison.

"Well air was fading fast from my lungs, I knew I had to get out of there. I wasn't going to let a stupid ocean beat me. So I swam as hard as I could, and next thing I knew, a wave washed me out onto the beach, me, fighting its grip the whole time. I thought it was stronger than me, but in the end, it was the ocean who gave up, I kept fighting even when my lugs burned and I had no hope."

The sisters fell quiet, then little Auklet sniffled.

"Auklet, what's wrong?" Tsunami asked.

"Tis all my fauwlt, my fauwlt Nami almos died. If I wasn't out dere, Nami wouldn't havs to saves me"

Tears trickled down her cheeks and into her blanket.

Tsunami scooped her into her arms and held her, tucking the little princess into her own blanket.

"It's not your fault Auklet, you didn't make me save you. I chose to, knowing full well what was going to happen. I am alright now, and this has taught us to be more careful now has it not?"

"Besides" she added.

"Besides, I would have ended up in the ocean either way. I was already standing knee deep in the water before Riptide told me you were missing. A big wave probably would have gotten me then too, so don't worry Auklet, okay?"

The little girl snuggled into her older sisters chest, and fell asleep.

Anemone lay her head on Tsunami's shoulder and closed her eyes. Tsunami lay her head on top of Anemone's and with a sigh, let her eyelids droop.

Go. Ocean Flow though.

Go on, this is your chance, you can sneak in while they're all sleeping and snatch her.

Go on!

But her feet stayed still, as though they had grown roots that dug into the ground.

Argh! She tried again to move. I have to kidnap her! If I fail he will kill me, go on!

But she couldn't.

Just as well. She thought. With that NightWing around it would have been too dangerous anyway. 

That's it. I'll wait till he's gone. Yes. And then I'll do it.

She turned around and fled back to the storage closet.

I'll wait and watch them, discover  their weaknesses, then I'll strike. They wont know she's gone till she's gone.

And with that, she fell asleep, curled uncomfortably on a pile of smelly fish nets, haunted by the happy smiles of the princesses, their playful laughter. 

Oh, and the smell of fish.    

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