Her and Him

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Dedicated  to AralinaWillow because you are awesome and you ship Winterwatcher so you are extra awesome👍❤❤❤. 

The previous night.

 Winter gazed up at the starry sky. The northern light's shone brightly like a dark rainbow in the night.

He felt the overwhelming sense of hopeless heart brake that had plagued his heart since the day . . . the day she chose someone else.

His hands clenched into fists.

Every time he thought he'd gotten past it. But it was never true. She always crept back into his thought's.

It had happened once before, he had let himself care about someone, and that person had been taken from him.

He knew he was vulnerable, so he had cast his heart in ice and guarded it with his life. Until he had met her, and the Ice melted with her first touch.

He had let his heart thaw, thinking he had hope, only to be betrayed by himself, to mess things up, and to loose her, the one woman he loved, to his best friend.

His best friend who was perfect in every way.

Though he had a rough start, he lived now with people who loved him. He was brought up by them to be kind and he was. He was kind, smart and, not an Icewing.

Winter had none of that.

They had both been raised harshly, with neither love nor care, but Qibli escaped that, Winter didn't.

Winter had been brought up to hate and despise Nightwings, Qibli had not.

Every single time Winter had gotten a chance to prove himself to her, he had messed up, because it always, always had something to do with choosing her, or helping his family.

That never happened with Qibli.

Qibli had it perfect, each time he needed to prove himself, he could. Because it was a choice between no one for him. His family never crept back in his life at times like those.

Now Qibli had her too.

Winter's shoulders shook.

He had nothing.

Even his family didn't want him near them. He was lost in a world with no rank, no title, no status. No her.

Winter took a few deep breaths. He was not to let himself get out of hand. When he got angry, bad things tended to happen.

He decided he was going to visit his friends. He would push past his agony.

He would defeat his feelings for her.

He had too.

If some of the populace of Sanctuary had looked up and out of their windows, they might have seen a young man pause, before pulling open his door.

A young man with no title, no rank, no riches.

The only things he kept from his past was his clothes, his name, her memory, and the wonderful feel of her name rolling of his lips as he whispered it.


Moon woke up, sweat wetting her brow. She felt the warm breeze and smell of sand. She was warm. Far too warm.

Moon slid from her blankest, disentangling herself from the sleeping figure beside her.

Quietly, she slipped out of the room and out onto the balcony, taking deep breaths.

She had dreamed of him. Of his White blue hair, his Icy blue eye's, his pale skin. The coolness of his breath. The warmth in his voice, like an ice sheet over a hot spring. The beat of his warm heart.

Why was she dreaming of him now of all times?

She swept her long black hair out of her eye's, and looked up at the moon.

Here, in the Kingdom of Sand, the moon had no tree's to block it's light. No mountains to hide behind.

She could see it clearly, every night. All of it.

She thought it would make her happy. She thought he could make her happy. She thought this would make her happy.

And it did.

Or did it?

Moon pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

So many things were confusing right now.

The once calming warm breeze in the sand kingdom was now too hot and stifling.

The once shining beauty of sand for miles and miles around her was worrying.

The once wonderfully quiet desert sounds were now too silent, and the once comforting heat of betrothed was now uncomfortable.

Moon found herself wishing to be back in the Forest Kingdoms with her mother.

She wished for cool night breezes, trees, rivers and grass.

She wished for the soft hoot of the night owl, the call of the birds, the song of the crickets, and the cool skin of someone else.

"Moon?" Moon looked up.

Qibli stood a little ways away, rubbing seep from his eye's. He yawned.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Oh, I . . . I just needed a little air."

Qibli walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"You'll catch a cold out here" he said softly.

Moon sighed and tried to relax in his arms as she had before. To let herself get lost in his warmth.

But she couldn't.

"You know . . . Moon, I've been thinking."


"I uh . . ." Qibli started nervously.

"I was thinking, maybe we should get married sooner, I mean, what are we waiting for?" He said in a hurried rush.

Moon was startled.

Say yes. She told herself. That's what you would have said a month ago.

But she couldn't. The thought of them marrying even sooner was terrifying, and she needed more time to figure out what she really wanted.

" I think the date we already have fixed is perfect. Besides, there's no reason to hurry, it will happen."

He looked disappointed but nodded.

"You're right, it will happen."

He looked down at the soft golden metal ring on her finger and smiled.

Moon smiled too, but her heart was frowning.

Because her heart wished for a ring of cool silver, that would bind her and someone else together.

Oh Winter. Moon thought.

Oh how I miss you.

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