Moon Child

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"The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen."
― Shannon L. Alder

Moonwatcher gazed up at the night sky. Thousands of twinkling stars blinked at her from their velvety backing of darkness.

She felt Winters fingers brush her arm and turned to look at him.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked. He was unsure. She could tell. He was unsure that she was doing what she wanted to do. He was unsure that he was doing the right thing, in taking his best friends lover as his own.

"Yes Winter," she smiled. "I'm ready."

And she was.

Qibli had sent them off with genuine wishes of happiness and goodwill. 

The SandWings had been shocked of course. Rumors would run around the stronghold like wildfire for some time, but she felt amazing.

The unsettling sense of being unsure was lifted from her body. She felt light and free.

"You won't be able to see the moons quite as clearly in Possibility as you can here," Winter remarked as the rode together. "Won't you miss them?"

"I suppose I will," she admitted. "But in the end, there are other things that are more important."

"I suppose so."

She reached across her horse and took his hand in her own, squeezing it tightly.

"We're going to be really happy Winter. I can feel it."

Glory couldn't help but shift about nervously while she waited. Beside her, the river rippled cheerfully, which was annoying.

She had spent the last three days learning everything she could about herbs and medicines so that she could pass at least somewhat decently as a RainWing healer.

From the safe sanctuary of the Rain and Night Kingdom, playing infiltrate had seemed like an excellent idea, but now, waiting to be grabbed by savages, it suddenly didn't seem that smart after all.

Every time the wind rustled through the trees she flinched. Every time an animal scuttled out of the forest she jumped. There was nothing worse than waiting.

And then of course there was also the fact that she felt quite sick, which didn't help in the slightest.

The sack over her head came as a surprise.

"Stay still," a voice breathed in her ear. "Don't make a sound. Just walk, understand? Nod if you understand."

She nodded stiffly, resisting the urge to throw off the rough hands holding her captive, Glory began to walk blindly, with no sense of which direction she had come from, nor where she was going to. 

Here goes nothing.


Tsunami gazed out of the window languidly at the storm clouds looming on the horizon. It had been sometime since Waverly had departed, and some time still since she had discovered that the assassin, spy who tried to kidnap her sister was actually her cousin.

Shark had been doing his best to help her fit in, but in truth, everyone else was less than eager to welcome her, Anemone and Moray especially.

Ocean Flow herself sat a few feet away from Tsunami, fiddling with a loose thread in the fabric of her dress.

" . . . Look, " she started. "I know I haven't really established myself well in this place. I mean, I made a pretty bad first impression, but . . . well I was hoping we could try and forget about it? And, maybe you could give me some tips for being part of the royal family and everything,"

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