Silence, Fire and Sin

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"Falling into ruin was a bit like falling in love: Both descents stripped you bare and left you as you were at your core. And both endings are equally painful."
― J.R. Ward, Lover Unbound

"No. No way in hell. Have you actually gone insane?!" 

Glory waited silently as her grandmother blazed around the room.

"It's insane! It's a deathtrap, it's pure suicide! I shall not permit-" she stopped herself and sat down. "You do see how this sounds ridiculous don't you?"

"I see four options ahead of me," Glory answered. "And they are all crazy. One, let this insane New Age or whatever it is, keep Deathbringer without lifting a finger to stop them. Two, I offer myself up to save him. Three, I try and summon up a mass army to wipe them out, and four. Infiltration and sabotage, and who better to do that, than me."

Grandeur snorted with incredulity. "Incredible. Need I remind you that you are carrying this kingdoms future heir?"

"I'm not going to abandon him." Glory hissed.

"May I ask what spurred you towards this sudden urgent thirst for martyrdom?"

"This." Glory slapped a small scrap of parchment onto the table between she and her grandmother.

Queen Glory. 

Clearly you did not understand the urgency of our first order. We have your NightWing in our cells, and he is in a critical condition. You found yourself a loyal one didn't you?

Well unfortunately, I do not have a lot of patience for defiance and if he continues to refuse to speak we can easily get rid of him and find someone else with a looser tongue.

In any case, you have one more month to make a decision. In the meantime, I'll keep Deathbringer alive. 

In saying that, I have one more request to make in the meantime. Send one of your Kingdoms best healers. Have him or her taken down to the closest river east. There, a group of my subordinates shall be waiting for them, and shall lead them to our stronghold, blindfolded. Do not try and have us followed.

If you fail to comply with this order, Deathbringer shall die and you shall fall soon after without the choice of us coming to a peaceful agreement.

 The New Age 

"Bastards." Grandeur drew in a breath.

"They won't expect me to send myself, I doubt any of them have ever seen me before. It would be perfect."

"Glory," Grandeur's ancient face was grey with an unspoken sadness. "The risks are too great. In allowing you to go I would be risking the entire Kingdom, and the last heir to my family."

"I will do this." Glory insisted. "I will save Deathbringer and find a way to destroy this annoying new age once and for all."

She held her head high and tilted her chin up. "You can't stop me Grandeur."


Sarai stared down at the man on the floor. The black hair, the violet eyes. The self assuredness he radiated, even with blood running down the side of his face and a few broken ribs, he still had that infuriating mocking look in his eyes. The one that said "you can't beat me."

It was too much like him. 

So, even though Ginger had specifically warned against going to hard on him while he was still yet to heal from the first round, Sarai drove his knee into the mans jaw.

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