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Winter was feeling better. Far better. But every time he caught a glimpse of the golden ring encircling Moons finger, he felt ill again.

It was selfish, he knew. 

His friends were happy. He should be happy for them.

And he tried.

He really did.

But it was so hard.

And gold just wasn't Moons color.

Finally, Qibli had convinced him to get up and join them for a celebration.

Queen Thorn, unlike Queen Snowfall, threw parties for whatever reason it seemed. The Sandwings were happy people. Qibli was happy. Moon was happy.

Winter wished he felt happy. 

"Here, try this. It's delicious" Qibli said, holding out a plate on which was a pile of what appeared to be burnt lizards.

He recoiled in disgust. 

"By the gods! You don't really eat those do you?" he asked.

Qibli grinned and stuffed one in his mouth, sitting down beside Winter.

Moon came over and sat on Winters other side.

"Try a roasted newt Moon?" Qibli offered. 

Moon shook her head and laughed.

Winter couldn't help but smile. Things were starting to feel normal again.

Until Qibli ruined it.

He stood up.

"I'd like to make a toast!" He announced, raising a goblet of wine.

The gathered people cheered.

"To Queen Thorn, who provides us with this incredible home, food and entertainment!" he tilted his cup in the direction of the Queen, who sat a ways away. She smiled at him, and the crowd roared with approval.

"To my best friend Winter who some how . . . has managed not to kill me."

There was laughter as Qibli turned and gave a sort of mock salute to Winter, who rolled his eyes.

"Don't rest easy, I still might" he said. Qibli chuckled, then turned to Moon with a tender smile on his face.

"And last, but by no means least, Moon. My betrothed, who stuck with me through all these years, and who made me happier than I have ever been. Everyone, please raise you glass to her."

Winter looked down, biting his tongue. He glanced out of the corner of his eye at Moon. She was looking at Qibli. Her smile was gentle and adoring . . . but there was something else too.


He shook his head. As if. 

Winter suddenly felt the need to leave the room. Everything was to hot and pressing.

He stood up.

"Hey-where are you going?" Qibli asked.

"Back to my room"

"Why? The party's barely started!"

"Head ache" Winter answered.

He felt eyes on him as he was leaving, but didn't look back to see who's they were.

Finally, he reached his room and sank down on his bed. 

It had been stupid really, to think that things could ever go back to being the same. So why couldn't he accept it?

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