Dark Threat

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(Ocean Flow)

Ocean Flow gave an uncomfortable sigh as she struggled to draw breath, her tight corset clinging tightly to her chest, causing difficulty for her lungs to open properly.

Oh how she longed for the time when she could finally be rid of the skirts, the underskirts, the lace, the corsets, the stiff footwear.

She walked steadily through the halls. 

She was getting better at managing the hall ways, it was the stairs that were giving her the hardest time.

Cautiously, she began her decent downwards, the dress making it impossible to see where she was placing her feet, the unusual heaviness causing her a good degree of trouble balancing.

Suddenly, her toe caught the front of her gown, jerking her downwards. With a shrill cry of surprise and alarm, she teetered on one foot, arms swaying like windmills.

Then hands grasped her waist, pulling her back, and she was steady again.

"That was a close one beauty."  

That voice . . .

"Scorpion . . ." she turned around. 

Scorpion Donel. Her partner in crime stood a step above her, grinning, his black eyes glittering with cunning and malice.

"What are you doing here?" Ocean Flow asked, glaring at him.

He chuckled.

"As much as I would like to say I'm looking out for you, I can't. Honestly I think this trip is a big drag, but the master ordered it."

"All though" he added.

"Seeing you in a maid servants dress almost made it worth it"

He let out a bark of insane laughter.

"I'll treasure that for ever! The emotionless, unbeatable Ocean Flow screaming like a scared little girl, waving her arms around, about to fall down a flight of stairs! And in that ridiculous dress! priceless!!!"

Ocean Flow glared at him, imagining the day she might be ordered to slit his stomach open.

She smiled to her self.

Oh how she would be the one laughing then, as he writhed on the floor, clutching at the contents of his stomach, as his innards poured out of him.

Blood, bowls, the whole works. And she would just stand there laughing.

(That's her expression, sorry, had to do it)

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(That's her expression, sorry, had to do it)

" . . . You have that look on your face you get when planning my death" 

Scorpion's amused voice broke her out of her thoughts and brought her back to earth.

She shook herself.

"Why did the master send you here?" Ocean Flow asked.

Scorpion took a step down so they were on the same level. She was almost as tall as him.

"It was about time you asked" he said.

She started as she felt his arms snake around her waist. His breath was hot on her neck, his voice was loud as he whispered.

"He sent me to tell you that you are running out of time. If the target hasn't been captured by the seventh moon, you are released from his services"

His voice lowered.

"And after that, I can have you. I have my own fantasy's you know, much more pleasurable ones than you think up in that tiny head of yours"

She shuddered as his hands trailed  up her back. She felt the cool sharpness of a knife pressed against her spine. He was taunting her, daring her to call for help, at the risk of her life.

"So just between the two of us, I personally would prefer you fail at this task. In fact, I wouldn't have it any other way."

He pulled away, grinning like a maniac.

"Should I interpret that as a threat?" Ocean Flow hissed.

"Are you implying you will try to stop me from completing my mission?"

Scorpion slunk back into the shadows, his voice echoing dimly around her.

"Will I? Wont I? Who knows? Sleep well beauty, or at least-try to"

He was gone.

Ocean Flow gritted her teeth, and began to make her way back down the stairs.

When she reached her hide out, she sank down to her knees, clutching her head in pain.

Fire, screaming, blood, red, heat.

The strange vision was gone almost as soon as it came, and Ocean Flow was left on her knees, shaking.

What was that? 

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