In The Arms Of Seduction

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Please forgive the short chapter and any mistakes it holds, I woke up at four a.m and didn't get to bed until four thirty a.m, the next day


Deathbringer awoke the next morning to the warmth of sunlight on his skin, and soft fingertips running delicately through his hair and along his cheek.

For a moment he just lay there, as he did when he was at home, in the soft early mornings of winter, when he and Glory would just lie still, and she would whisper to him the things which she never dared to say when others were around.

But then, the words whispered now were so very unlike what he was used to hearing, that he thought for a moment that he really couldn't be at home.

He opened his eyes, and instead of looking into those of glittering green, he found himself looking brown eyes in an unfamiliar face.

That's when he remembered where he was.

Deathbringer sat up, startled, and the brown eyed girl withdrew her hands from his hair.

He reached for the knife that hung from his belt, but it was nowhere to be found.

"Forgive me Lord, I had not meant to startle you," she said.

"Who are you?" He hissed. "And what in the seven Kingdoms are you doing?"

She stood up and folded her hands neatly in front of her.

"Forgive me Lord, I could not help myself. Indeed you did look quite so heavenly sleeping and hallowed by the sunlight. I had not meant to give any offence."

"Right." Deathbringer said, still keeping his distance.

"Who are you?" he asked again.

She bowed her head, brown hair swinging down to hide her face like a curtain.

"I am your maid servant Lord. If you need anything, you may ask me."

Deathbringer inched even further away, until his back was pressed up against the wall.

"What is your name?" he asked.

She looked slightly surprised. "Why would you need my name Lord? I can serve you very well without it."

"Nonetheless" Deathbringer said, annoyed now. "I asked you to give me your name."

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked away, a small blush blooming on her cheeks.

"Pepper my Lord. My name is Pepper" she mumbled.

"Pepper?!" Deathbringer repeated.

The amount of odd names in this place was strange. Ginger, Sarai, Pepper.

"Yes. Do you have any commands now my Lord? If you are hungry, they are preparing food downstairs, or I could bring some up to you so you may eat alone. Or if you're thirsty-"

"I'm not" Deathbringer said. He stood up and looked around for his cloak.

It was not folded on the wooden chest by the window as it had been before he went to sleep. In its place was a very different cloak. Black as his had been, but stitched with golden thread to make intricate patterns.

"Ginger said that your old cloak was not fit for a man of a Lord's status, he has given you this one, and says that it shall wear just as well, though with more beauty." Pepper said, noting the confused look on his face.

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