Her Choice

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Moon wandered aimlessly throughout the empty hallways, trying to rid her head of the heavy thoughts that burdened it.

It was the fourth night in a row that she had dreamed the same dream. The one where which she and Winter lived together with their daughter.

At first she had pushed against these dreams as hard as she could, refusing to acknowledge them as flashes of a possible future, but as they continued, she began almost to . . . welcome them?

Every night she found herself hastening to go to bed so as to sooner be surrounded by the happiness she found in the dream.

It was becoming stronger. Every morning she would wake up, confused as to who was sleeping beside her.

The line between dreams and reality was becoming more and more blurred.

And then there was the child.


Her deep blue eyes framed by long curling lashes were hauntingly real.

They held a depth to their gaze that no mere dream being could ever possess.

Every night Moon looked forwards to seeing her, and every morning, she felt a clench in her heart when she remembered the girl didn't exist.

She began to sleep longer, trying to stay as long as was possible in the beautiful place, but no matter how much she wished it, she could not stop the sun from rising each morning.

And yet the wedding still loomed on the horizon, ever closer like a large black cloud and impending thunderstorm.

How could she walk up to Qibli shamelessly and tell him she no longer wished to marry him?

How could she explain to him the visions that came to her every night?

It would take a kind of bravery she didn't know she possessed.

So she just followed meekly, smiling when he talked to her, laughing when he joked with her, nodding when he expressed his joy about their up coming union.

But in her mind, there was always a little girl with white blond hair and deep blue eyes, who frowned at her, as though saying, "Don't push me away mother. You know I am a part of your future, do not sacrifice my life and your happiness for the wrong person."

And Moon knew she was right.

By marrying Qibli, not only would she be forcing the both of hem into unfortunate positions, but she would be ending any chances there were of having Serenity in her life.

And Qibli deserved someone who loved him as much as he loved her.

But still Moon could not find it within herself to do what she knew was right.

So instead, she ignored her feelings and continued on as she had, but the dream began to fade.

Then, on the sixth night, she decided she had to see. She had to see what her future with Qibli would bring.

Moon opened her eyes and glanced over at the sleeping man beside her. His chest rose and fell with heavy sleep.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she carefully got out of bed, slipped on her shoes and tiptoed outside.

She was met with a warm breeze that made the torches on the wall flicker, and the tapestries wave around like flags in the wind.

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