Lonely Hearts

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Tsunami sighed softly as she walked down the beach. Riptide walked beside her.

"Are you well?" he asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yes, quite well, thank you" she said, picking up a small pebble and rubbing it between her fingers.

"You haven't been yourself since that whole 'drowning incident' " Riptide pointed out.

"It's fine, really. Mother is just driving me a bit crazy these days. Poor Auklet isn't even aloud near the beach, and her harness is back on. She threatened me with one too, again."

Riptide laughed.

"And I guess I just feel, I don't know, unaccomplished, compared to my friends."

"How so?" Riptide asked.

"Well," Tsunami tossed her pebble into the ocean.

"Being queen was supposed to be my thing, but I got the chance and I just sort of . . . ruined it. It didn't feel right for me, and that was what I was going for my whole life. Then Glory discovered her royal heritage and now she's on her way to being Queen. Sunny's mother became Queen of the Sandwings so now Sunny's a princess, Starflight is apprenticed to an alchemist/librarian/astrologer person, and Clay is getting well known as a fabulous hunter through out the land. I mean, that's all fine but, what am I going to be known for when I'm gone? What's going to be my legacy?"

Riptide stooped and picked up a shell. An oyster shell.

"Imagine this is you" he said.

"You are comparing me with a shell."



He looked at her.

"You seem plain and ordinary on the outside, but on the inside . . ."

"Do I?" 

"No-just, listen"

"Very well"

He cracked the shell open, revealing a large, opalescent pearl. 

"Inside you is something amazing that's hidden from view, until the moment it is released."

He pried the pearl gently out of it's shell, and held it out.

Tsunami took it. The cool smooth surface was comforting in her hand.

"How long until anyone can see it though?" she asked.

He took her hand. 

"I've been able to see it since the day I met you" he said softly.

She smiled.

"Riptide!" They both turned their heads. A few strides away stood a young girl, with golden hair and blue eyes.

Riptide squinted, then his face broke into  huge smile.


She began to run to him, arms spread wide. He caught her, laughing.

"I can't believe you are here! This is amazing! I haven't seen you in years!"

The girl, Waverly smiled, and kissed him on the cheek.

"I have missed you Riptide" she said.

Tsunami stood stock still. 

Blood was pumping in her ears. She kissed him. On. The. Cheek.

Riptide turned and smiled at Tsunami, one arm slung around the Waverly's shoulders.

"Tsunami, let me introduce Waverly." he beamed at the girl.

She blushed and smiled sweetly at Tsunami, then stuck out a small hand.

"I'm so glad to finally be meeting you in person Tsunami, Riptide has told me so much about you!"

Tsunami took her  hand stiffly. 

"Really?" She said. 

"Well that's strange, because he hasn't said a word about you." she glared at Riptide pointedly.

Waverly didn't seem affronted, she just smiled again brightly.

"Well that certainly seems like Riptide, don't worry Tsunami, I'm sure we shall both be very good friends"

Tsunami drew herself up.

"Indeed" she said. "I'm sure. But I must make you aware, I'm a princess here, so may I ask that I am addressed as 'Your majesty?"

Waverly covered her mouth with her hands, turning pale. She knelt down.

"Please forgive me your Majesty, I overstepped my place, I should not have been so bold, please forgive me!"

Riptide helped her up.

"It's alright Waverly, Tsunami was just joking." No I wasn't .

"You needn't be so uptight around here, now let me carry your bags and we'll go up. You are staying for quite sometime I hope?"

Waverly smiled.

"I'm afraid I can only be spared for a fortnight" 

They walked off together.

Tsunami was left standing alone, shaking.

Why. She thought, gritting her teeth. Why do bad things always happen to me?

Darkness. Then in the darkness, Flames. Bright, brilliant, harsh flames.

 "Ocean Flow!" Soft hands, beautiful eyes. "It's going to be alright child" Crying. Blackness. Cool, soft, blackness. 

Ocean Flow woke up, drenched in sweat, heart pounding painfully hard against her chest. 

What a vivid dream. She thought, shakily. 

But, the detail, the heat, it was like . . . a memory. Only it couldn't be, could it? Ocean Flow stood up, bare feet meeting the cold stone floor. So many things didn't make sense. This was supposed to be her first time in the kingdom of the Sea, so why did she feel like she had been there before?

 Every passage way, stair well, tower, room and fountain felt familiar. She shivered.

 Then there was the other dream. The one with a warm room, soft blankets, gentle rocking and quiet singing, the sound of the ocean in the back ground. So much of her past she had forgotten. Her childhood was like an empty book which once held words, but the ink had been washed away leaving it blank. 

 Then there was that feeling she got while watching the Seawing princesses. As though, watching friends. That strange feeling of affection.

 She felt alone.

Alone like she hadn't felt in years.

Just so you know, Ocean Flow is the OC of Gypsy-Girl-727, and Waverly is the Oc of AralinaWillow

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