The Cursed Line of KINGS

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How long had he been gone?

Time moved so differently here.

Surely it couldn't have been more than four days.

As each hour gave way to another he felt a growing sense of unease in his mind. However many days it had been, it was too long.

Boreal glared glumly out of a window, frosty hair in a tussled mess due to the number of times he hand run his fingers through it in frustration.

"You still haven't been permitted to speak with Ginger?" He asked.

"No," Deathbringer admitted. "But it doesn't matter. If I can find a way into dungeons without being seen, and then out into the forest . . ."

He let out a frustrated breath of air. 

"Well either way, until we get our hands on a map, it won't be possible."

Boreal scoffed. "I can find a map. Give me less than two days."

Deathbringer felt a small twinge of the usual annoyance he felt when around an especially arrogant Icewing, but let it pass and didn't provoke an argument by pointing out that he himself could find one in less than a few hours so there.

Instead he just shrugged and said, "okay then, find one. We will reconvene tomorrow. Just make sure not to alert anyone of the situation."

Boreal half raised his hand in a salute, before realizing what he was doing and quickly switched actions to brush down his coat.

"Right." he said, a red flush warming the pallor of his cheeks.

He stepped out of the room hurriedly, jostling a book shelf on his way, and Deathbringer found himself all at once alone, to his relief.

A slightly out of place object caught his attention in the form of a book laying forlornly on the floor where it had fallen from its perch.

Deathbringer picked it up and turned it over to inspect the title.

Kings of Pyrrhia

"kings?" Deathbringer frowned. 

He opened the book to its first page and brushed his hand over the dusty surface.

King  Aphid of the Rainwings

Mother-Parrot of the Rainwings

Father-Basil of the Rainwings

Wife-Toucan of the Rainwings

Children-Juniper, Daisey, Arnica, Hibiscus and Dahilia of the Rainwings

Date of birth-unknown

Date of death-unknown

Aphid was born in a small primitive village in the Rain kingdom, presumably one hundred years from the scorching. 

The only child of two loving parents, Aphid was accustomed to having things his way in the world.

As a child he would dominate over the other children in the village, having the inept ability to control.

As he grew older the amount of his followers grew to over a hundred, and by the age of sixteen, not only people his age, but elders looked up to him.

So the first known King of Pyrrhia gained his throne.

His reign. though considered short by any extent, was a bloody one.

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