The Rabbit and the Wolf

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"We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side."
― Khalil Gibran

Glory was in a terrible mood.

She was sick and tired of people telling her that she needed to take it easy. She was sick and tired of all the rumors circulating around the kingdom. She was sick and tired of staying put and doing nothing.

Everything that the IceWings and the SandWing had told her about the strange order The New Age felt wrong and terrifying.

And the worst of it all was that SandWing.

Aphrodite. Glory growled softly.

Deathbringer you mules head, you better not have been "getting to know" her behind my back.

Just the mere thought made her want to fly into a rage and sink her nails into someone.

There was no one at hand however, so she contented herself with booting a pillow across the room and, incidentally, through a window.

Feeling slightly better, she managed to answer the door, which someone knocked at a moment later, with considerable grace and poise.

It was her grandmother.

Grandeur's sharp eyes went directly to the shattered window, then to her granddaughter with a raised eyebrow.

Glory felt the stirrings of shame inside her stomach. If she wanted to stop being treated like an emotional child, she would have to stop acting like one.

"I came to see how you were feeling," The old woman said. "But I can see that was unnecessary."

"A bird flew into the window," Glory lied. 

"I'm sure."

There was an awkward silence.

"Well, I guess I'll be going then," Grandeur suggested.

"No, hold on, actually, I had a thought, well, a few thoughts. A plan, kind of, and I think you should here me out,"

"Happy birthday Sadhi!" 

Sadhi raised his head from where it had been resting on the table. He looked down. His cheek had been stuck to his book and there was ink spilled across the page.

Velvet bounded into the room with a smile on her face, which faded slightly when she saw him. 

"You fell asleep at the table?" she asked, then peered down at the page of writing that was visible.

I shall not misbehave. I shall not lie. Lying is a sin. Sin is the child of the devil, I shall never fall prey to the devil.

I shall not misbehave. I shall not lie. Lying is a sin. Sin is the child of the devil, I shall never fall prey to the devil.

I shall not misbehave. I shall not lie. Lying is a sin. Sin is the child of the devil, I shall never fall prey to the devil.

Over and over again.

Velvet's blue eyes melted with concern. "How long did you stay up writing lines Sadhi?" She asked.

"A while," he answered. "Don't get mad at me, I didn't mean to do it, it was him, he stole the bread role. It wasn't me, I swear it-" he was cut off as Velvet clasped his hands between her own.

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