Red and Silver

301 13 21

Also dedicated to light_the_nightwing ^^ Thank you for letting me use your character!


She kept a low profile, keeping to herself as much as possible, and put on several dramatic acts of stereotypical RainWing idiocy, hoping to seem as innocent and unthreatening as was possible.

Two days after her run-in with Ginger, she was told that it was his command that she visit Deathbringer and patch him up again.

Two parts of this bothered her.

One, was the word 'again," and the other was that apparently now she was a servant who did as Ginger 'commanded' her to do.

She answered to him all the same, and when the door to Deathbringer's cell was opened and she was shooed inside, she couldn't say she was so much agitated as she was relieved.

There was a moment of alarm, when she first saw him, the cuts littering his face and his upper body, the dried blood caking his skin and the heavy rasp of his breathing, all worse than when she had last seen him.

"When did this happen to you?" she whispered, kneeling beside him and taking out some bandages. 

"Two days ago." He winced when she tried to apply a soothing cream to a particularly vicious cut on his cheek.

"It's a message." She realized aloud. "A threat. To me."

"I'm a prisoner. He can beat me up when he wants." Deathbringer attempted a nonchalant shrug but broke it off with soft hiss of discomfort. "Damn." He said breathlessly. "I think it's dislocated, can you-"

He let out a small exclamation of pain as she shoved his shoulder back into place, then he leaned his head back against the wall and laughed. It was a terrible laugh, not for lack of humor but because Glory knew it was a shadow. A mere shell of what it had been before.

"You don't waste time, do you?" He drew a hand over her brow, wiping away the perspiration.

"What has he been doing to you?" Glory asked him. There was a gourd of water hanging from her belt, and she gave it to him.

When he took the water, but didn't answer the question, she asked another. "Did Sarai do it?"

"The berserk SandWing? No." He swallowed a mouthful of water, the poured some over his hands and ran them over his face and through his hair.

"Actually, I haven't seen him for a while." 

"There's something," Glory bit her lip uncertainly, "something I think that could turn the tables. I don't know that I'm right, but if I am, it might very well be the weapon we need to destroy this place once and for all."

"Really?" He tipped his head forwards again, looking properly alive for the first time since she had first seen him. "Tell me." He said eagerly.

"I think," Glory began putting away her medicinal supplies, taking as long as she could as an excuse for more time.

"I think that Velvet-well, I thought she was dead. He thinks she's dead, but I have reason to believe that she's actually alive."

"Alive?" Deathbringer's eyes were full of an excited light. He relaxed into a comfortable reclining position, smoothing his forefinger over the round mouth of the water gourd.

"Where is she?" he asked.

Glory felt a hot flush crawl its way up her neck when she realized the truth. That she had never remembered to ask.

"Uh, my information source wasn't really in the best condition. I couldn't get much out of him."

It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't a full truth either, and she knew, even as it slipped from between her lips that Deathbringer could see right through her.

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